, feed_dict=None, options=None, run_metadata=None)

Runs operations and evaluates tensors in fetches.

This method runs one "step" of TensorFlow computation, by running the necessary graph fragment to execute every Operation and evaluate every Tensor in fetches, substituting the values in feed_dict for the corresponding input values.

The fetches argument may be a single graph element, or an arbitrarily nested list, tuple, namedtuple, or dict containing graph elements at its leaves. A graph element can be one of the following types:

  • An Operation. The corresponding fetched value will be None.
  • A Tensor. The corresponding fetched value will be a numpy ndarray containing the value of that tensor.
  • A SparseTensor. The corresponding fetched value will be a SparseTensorValue containing the value of that sparse tensor.
  • A get_tensor_handle op. The corresponding fetched value will be a numpy ndarray containing the handle of that tensor.
  • A string which is the name of a tensor or operation in the graph.

The value returned by run() has the same shape as the fetches argument, where the leaves are replaced by the corresponding values returned by TensorFlow.


a = tf.constant([10, 20])
b = tf.constant([1.0, 2.0])
# 'fetches' can be a singleton
v =
# v is the numpy array [10, 20]
# 'fetches' can be a list.
v =[a, b])
# v is a Python list with 2 numpy arrays: the numpy array [10, 20] and the
# 1-D array [1.0, 2.0]
# 'fetches' can be arbitrary lists, tuples, namedtuple, dicts:
MyData = collections.namedtuple('MyData', ['a', 'b'])
v ={'k1': MyData(a, b), 'k2': [b, a]})
# v is a dict with
# v['k1'] is a MyData namedtuple with 'a' the numpy array [10, 20] and
# 'b' the numpy array [1.0, 2.0]
# v['k2'] is a list with the numpy array [1.0, 2.0] and the numpy array
# [10, 20].

The optional feed_dict argument allows the caller to override the value of tensors in the graph. Each key in feed_dict can be one of the following types:

  • If the key is a Tensor, the value may be a Python scalar, string, list, or numpy ndarray that can be converted to the same dtype as that tensor. Additionally, if the key is a placeholder, the shape of the value will be checked for compatibility with the placeholder.
  • If the key is a SparseTensor, the value should be a SparseTensorValue.
  • If the key is a nested tuple of Tensors or SparseTensors, the value should be a nested tuple with the same structure that maps to their corresponding values as above.

Each value in feed_dict must be convertible to a numpy array of the dtype of the corresponding key.

The optional options argument expects a [RunOptions] proto. The options allow controlling the behavior of this particular step (e.g. turning tracing on).

The optional run_metadata argument expects a [RunMetadata] proto. When appropriate, the non-Tensor output of this step will be collected there. For example, when users turn on tracing in options, the profiled info will be collected into this argument and passed back.

  • fetches: A single graph element, a list of graph elements, or a dictionary whose values are graph elements or lists of graph elements (described above).
  • feed_dict: A dictionary that maps graph elements to values (described above).
  • options: A [RunOptions] protocol buffer
  • run_metadata: A [RunMetadata] protocol buffer

Either a single value if fetches is a single graph element, or a list of values if fetches is a list, or a dictionary with the same keys as fetches if that is a dictionary (described above).

  • RuntimeError: If this Session is in an invalid state (e.g. has been closed).
  • TypeError: If fetches or feed_dict keys are of an inappropriate type.
  • ValueError: If fetches or feed_dict keys are invalid or refer to a Tensor that doesn't exist.
2016-10-14 13:09:04
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