implements Iterator, Traversable, Countable
Represents a collection of annotations. This class allows to traverse a group of annotations easily
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | //Traverse annotations foreach ( $classAnnotations as $annotation ) { echo 'Name=' , $annotation ->getName(), PHP_EOL; } //Check if the annotations has a specific var_dump( $classAnnotations ->has( 'Cacheable' )); //Get an specific annotation in the collection $annotation = $classAnnotations ->get( 'Cacheable' ); |
public __construct ([array $reflectionData])
Phalcon\Annotations\Collection constructor
public count ()
Returns the number of annotations in the collection
public rewind ()
Rewinds the internal iterator
public Phalcon\Annotations\Annotation current ()
Returns the current annotation in the iterator
public key ()
Returns the current position/key in the iterator
public next ()
Moves the internal iteration pointer to the next position
public valid ()
Check if the current annotation in the iterator is valid
public getAnnotations ()
Returns the internal annotations as an array
public get (mixed $name)
Returns the first annotation that match a name
public getAll (mixed $name)
Returns all the annotations that match a name
public has (mixed $name)
Check if an annotation exists in a collection
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