

assertStringMatchesFormat(string $format, string $string[, string $message = ''])

Reports an error identified by $message if the $string does not match the $format string.

assertStringNotMatchesFormat() is the inverse of this assertion and takes the same arguments.

Example A.42: Usage of assertStringMatchesFormat()

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class StringMatchesFormatTest extends TestCase
    public function testFailure()
        $this->assertStringMatchesFormat('%i', 'foo');
phpunit StringMatchesFormatTest
PHPUnit 5.6.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.


Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 5.00Mb

There was 1 failure:

1) StringMatchesFormatTest::testFailure
Failed asserting that 'foo' matches PCRE pattern "/^[+-]?\d+$/s".


Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.

The format string may contain the following placeholders:

  • %e: Represents a directory separator, for example / on Linux.

  • %s: One or more of anything (character or white space) except the end of line character.

  • %S: Zero or more of anything (character or white space) except the end of line character.

  • %a: One or more of anything (character or white space) including the end of line character.

  • %A: Zero or more of anything (character or white space) including the end of line character.

  • %w: Zero or more white space characters.

  • %i: A signed integer value, for example +3142, -3142.

  • %d: An unsigned integer value, for example 123456.

  • %x: One or more hexadecimal character. That is, characters in the range 0-9, a-f, A-F.

  • %f: A floating point number, for example: 3.142, -3.142, 3.142E-10, 3.142e+10.

  • %c: A single character of any sort.

2016-10-16 15:37:41
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