
class ConstraintViolation implements ConstraintViolationInterface

Default implementation of {@ConstraintViolationInterface}.


__construct(string $message, string $messageTemplate, array $parameters, mixed $root, string $propertyPath, mixed $invalidValue, int|null $plural = null, mixed $code = null, Constraint $constraint = null, mixed $cause = null)

Creates a new constraint violation.

string __toString()

Converts the violation into a string for debugging purposes.

string getMessageTemplate()

Returns the raw violation message.

array getParameters()

Returns the parameters to be inserted into the raw violation message.

int|null getPlural()

Returns a number for pluralizing the violation message.

string getMessage()

Returns the violation message.

mixed getRoot()

Returns the root element of the validation.

string getPropertyPath()

Returns the property path from the root element to the violation.

mixed getInvalidValue()

Returns the value that caused the violation.

Constraint|null getConstraint()

Returns the constraint whose validation caused the violation.

mixed getCause()

Returns the cause of the violation.

string|null getCode()

Returns a machine-digestible error code for the violation.


__construct(string $message, string $messageTemplate, array $parameters, mixed $root, string $propertyPath, mixed $invalidValue, int|null $plural = null, mixed $code = null, Constraint $constraint = null, mixed $cause = null)

Creates a new constraint violation.


string $message The violation message
string $messageTemplate The raw violation message
array $parameters The parameters to substitute in the raw violation message
mixed $root The value originally passed to the validator
string $propertyPath The property path from the root value to the invalid value
mixed $invalidValue The invalid value that caused this violation
int|null $plural The number for determining the plural form when translating the message
mixed $code The error code of the violation
Constraint $constraint The constraint whose validation caused the violation
mixed $cause The cause of the violation

string __toString()

Converts the violation into a string for debugging purposes.

Return Value

string The violation as string

string getMessageTemplate()

Returns the raw violation message.

The raw violation message contains placeholders for the parameters returned by {@link getParameters}. Typically you'll pass the message template and parameters to a translation engine.

Return Value

string The raw violation message

array getParameters()

Returns the parameters to be inserted into the raw violation message.

Return Value

array A possibly empty list of parameters indexed by the names that appear in the message template.

int|null getPlural()

Returns a number for pluralizing the violation message.

For example, the message template could have different translation based on a parameter "choices":

  • Please select exactly one entry. (choices=1)
  • Please select two entries. (choices=2)

This method returns the value of the parameter for choosing the right pluralization form (in this case "choices").

Return Value

int|null The number to use to pluralize of the message

string getMessage()

Returns the violation message.

Return Value

string The violation message

mixed getRoot()

Returns the root element of the validation.

Return Value

mixed The value that was passed originally to the validator when the validation was started. Because the validator traverses the object graph, the value at which the violation occurs is not necessarily the value that was originally validated.

string getPropertyPath()

Returns the property path from the root element to the violation.

Return Value

string The property path indicates how the validator reached the invalid value from the root element. If the root element is a Person instance with a property "address" that contains an Address instance with an invalid property "street", the generated property path is "address.street". Property access is denoted by dots, while array access is denoted by square brackets, for example "addresses[1].street".

mixed getInvalidValue()

Returns the value that caused the violation.

Return Value

mixed The invalid value that caused the validated constraint to fail.

Constraint|null getConstraint()

Returns the constraint whose validation caused the violation.

Return Value

Constraint|null The constraint or null if it is not known

mixed getCause()

Returns the cause of the violation.

Return Value


string|null getCode()

Returns a machine-digestible error code for the violation.

Return Value

string|null The error code
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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