
class MergeCollectionListener implements EventSubscriberInterface


__construct(bool $allowAdd = false, bool $allowDelete = false)

Creates a new listener.

static array getSubscribedEvents()

Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.

onSubmit(FormEvent $event)


__construct(bool $allowAdd = false, bool $allowDelete = false)

Creates a new listener.


bool $allowAdd Whether values might be added to the collection.
bool $allowDelete Whether values might be removed from the collection.

static array getSubscribedEvents()

Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.

The array keys are event names and the value can be:

  • The method name to call (priority defaults to 0)
  • An array composed of the method name to call and the priority
  • An array of arrays composed of the method names to call and respective priorities, or 0 if unset

For instance:

  • array('eventName' => 'methodName')
  • array('eventName' => array('methodName', $priority))
  • array('eventName' => array(array('methodName1', $priority), array('methodName2'))

Return Value

array The event names to listen to

onSubmit(FormEvent $event)


FormEvent $event
2016-10-28 06:23:30
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