
string getRelativeUriForPath(string $path)

Returns the path as relative reference from the current Request path.

Only the URIs path component (no schema, host etc.) is relevant and must be given. Both paths must be absolute and not contain relative parts. Relative URLs from one resource to another are useful when generating self-contained downloadable document archives. Furthermore, they can be used to reduce the link size in documents.

Example target paths, given a base path of "/a/b/c/d": - "/a/b/c/d" -> "" - "/a/b/c/" -> "./" - "/a/b/" -> "../" - "/a/b/c/other" -> "other" - "/a/x/y" -> "../../x/y"


string $path The target path

Return Value

string The relative target path
2016-10-28 06:29:26
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