
class StopwatchEvent

Represents an Event managed by Stopwatch.


__construct(float $origin, string|null $category = null)


string getCategory()

Gets the category.

float getOrigin()

Gets the origin.

StopwatchEvent start()

Starts a new event period.

StopwatchEvent stop()

Stops the last started event period.

bool isStarted()

Checks if the event was started.

StopwatchEvent lap()

Stops the current period and then starts a new one.


Stops all non already stopped periods.

StopwatchPeriod[] getPeriods()

Gets all event periods.

int getStartTime()

Gets the relative time of the start of the first period.

int getEndTime()

Gets the relative time of the end of the last period.

int getDuration()

Gets the duration of the events (including all periods).

int getMemory()

Gets the max memory usage of all periods.

string __toString()


__construct(float $origin, string|null $category = null)



float $origin The origin time in milliseconds
string|null $category The event category or null to use the default


InvalidArgumentException When the raw time is not valid

string getCategory()

Gets the category.

Return Value

string The category

float getOrigin()

Gets the origin.

Return Value

float The origin in milliseconds

StopwatchEvent start()

Starts a new event period.

Return Value

StopwatchEvent The event

StopwatchEvent stop()

Stops the last started event period.

Return Value

StopwatchEvent The event


LogicException When stop() is called without a matching call to start()

bool isStarted()

Checks if the event was started.

Return Value


StopwatchEvent lap()

Stops the current period and then starts a new one.

Return Value

StopwatchEvent The event


Stops all non already stopped periods.

StopwatchPeriod[] getPeriods()

Gets all event periods.

Return Value

StopwatchPeriod[] An array of StopwatchPeriod instances

int getStartTime()

Gets the relative time of the start of the first period.

Return Value

int The time (in milliseconds)

int getEndTime()

Gets the relative time of the end of the last period.

Return Value

int The time (in milliseconds)

int getDuration()

Gets the duration of the events (including all periods).

Return Value

int The duration (in milliseconds)

int getMemory()

Gets the max memory usage of all periods.

Return Value

int The memory usage (in bytes)

string __toString()

Return Value

2016-10-28 06:32:56
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