
class SubmitButton extends Button implements ClickableInterface

A button that submits the form.


__construct(FormConfigInterface $config)

Creates a new button from a form configuration.

from Button
bool offsetExists(mixed $offset)

Unsupported method.

from Button
offsetGet(mixed $offset)

Unsupported method.

from Button
offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value)

Unsupported method.

from Button
offsetUnset(mixed $offset)

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormInterface setParent(FormInterface $parent = null)

Sets the parent form.

from Button
FormInterface|null getParent()

Returns the parent form.

from Button
FormInterface add(FormInterface|string|int $child, string|null $type = null, array $options = array())

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormInterface get(string $name)

Unsupported method.

from Button
bool has(string $name)

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormInterface remove(string $name)

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormInterface[] all()

Returns all children in this group.

from Button
FormErrorIterator getErrors(bool $deep = false, bool $flatten = true)

Returns the errors of this form.

from Button
FormInterface setData(mixed $modelData)

Unsupported method.

from Button
mixed getData()

Unsupported method.

from Button
mixed getNormData()

Unsupported method.

from Button
mixed getViewData()

Unsupported method.

from Button
array getExtraData()

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormConfigInterface getConfig()

Returns the button's configuration.

from Button
bool isSubmitted()

Returns whether the button is submitted.

from Button
string getName()

Returns the name by which the button is identified in forms.

from Button
PropertyPathInterface getPropertyPath()

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormInterface addError(FormError $error)

Unsupported method.

from Button
bool isValid()

Unsupported method.

from Button
bool isRequired()

Unsupported method.

from Button
bool isDisabled()

Returns whether this form is disabled.

from Button
bool isEmpty()

Unsupported method.

from Button
bool isSynchronized()

Unsupported method.

from Button
TransformationFailedException|null getTransformationFailure()

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormInterface initialize()

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormInterface handleRequest(mixed $request = null)

Unsupported method.

from Button
FormInterface submit(null|string|array $submittedData, bool $clearMissing = true)

Submits data to the button.

FormInterface getRoot()

Returns the root of the form tree.

from Button
bool isRoot()

Returns whether the field is the root of the form tree.

from Button
FormView createView(FormView $parent = null)

Creates a view.

from Button
int count()

Unsupported method.

from Button
EmptyIterator getIterator()

Unsupported method.

from Button
bool isClicked()

Returns whether this element was clicked.


__construct(FormConfigInterface $config)

Creates a new button from a form configuration.


FormConfigInterface $config The button's configuration

bool offsetExists(mixed $offset)

Unsupported method.


mixed $offset

Return Value

bool Always returns false

offsetGet(mixed $offset)

Unsupported method.

This method should not be invoked.


mixed $offset



offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value)

Unsupported method.

This method should not be invoked.


mixed $offset
mixed $value



offsetUnset(mixed $offset)

Unsupported method.

This method should not be invoked.


mixed $offset



FormInterface setParent(FormInterface $parent = null)

Sets the parent form.


FormInterface $parent The parent form or null if it's the root

Return Value

FormInterface The form instance


AlreadySubmittedException If the form has already been submitted.
LogicException When trying to set a parent for a form with an empty name.

FormInterface|null getParent()

Returns the parent form.

Return Value

FormInterface|null The parent form or null if there is none

FormInterface add(FormInterface|string|int $child, string|null $type = null, array $options = array())

Unsupported method.

This method should not be invoked.


FormInterface|string|int $child The FormInterface instance or the name of the child
string|null $type The child's type, if a name was passed
array $options The child's options, if a name was passed

Return Value

FormInterface The form instance



FormInterface get(string $name)

Unsupported method.

This method should not be invoked.


string $name The name of the child

Return Value

FormInterface The child form



bool has(string $name)

Unsupported method.


string $name The name of the child

Return Value


FormInterface remove(string $name)

Unsupported method.

This method should not be invoked.


string $name The name of the child to remove

Return Value

FormInterface The form instance



FormInterface[] all()

Returns all children in this group.

Return Value

FormInterface[] An array of FormInterface instances

FormErrorIterator getErrors(bool $deep = false, bool $flatten = true)

Returns the errors of this form.


bool $deep Whether to include errors of child forms as well
bool $flatten Whether to flatten the list of errors in case $deep is set to true

Return Value

FormErrorIterator An iterator over the {@link FormError} instances that where added to this form

FormInterface setData(mixed $modelData)

Unsupported method.

This method should not be invoked.


mixed $modelData The data formatted as expected for the underlying object

Return Value

FormInterface The form instance

mixed getData()

Unsupported method.

Return Value


mixed getNormData()

Unsupported method.

Return Value

mixed When the field is not submitted, the default data is returned When the field is submitted, the normalized submitted data is returned if the field is valid, null otherwise.

mixed getViewData()

Unsupported method.

Return Value


array getExtraData()

Unsupported method.

Return Value

array The submitted data which do not belong to a child

FormConfigInterface getConfig()

Returns the button's configuration.

Return Value

FormConfigInterface The configuration

bool isSubmitted()

Returns whether the button is submitted.

Return Value

bool true if the form is submitted, false otherwise

string getName()

Returns the name by which the button is identified in forms.

Return Value

string The name of the form

PropertyPathInterface getPropertyPath()

Unsupported method.

Return Value

PropertyPathInterface The property path

FormInterface addError(FormError $error)

Unsupported method.


FormError $error

Return Value

FormInterface The form instance



bool isValid()

Unsupported method.

Return Value


bool isRequired()

Unsupported method.

Return Value


bool isDisabled()

Returns whether this form is disabled.

The content of a disabled form is displayed, but not allowed to be modified. The validation of modified disabled forms should fail.

Forms whose parents are disabled are considered disabled regardless of their own state.

Return Value


bool isEmpty()

Unsupported method.

Return Value


bool isSynchronized()

Unsupported method.

Return Value


TransformationFailedException|null getTransformationFailure()

Unsupported method.

Return Value

TransformationFailedException|null The transformation failure

FormInterface initialize()

Unsupported method.

Return Value

FormInterface The form instance



FormInterface handleRequest(mixed $request = null)

Unsupported method.


mixed $request The request to handle

Return Value

FormInterface The form instance



FormInterface submit(null|string|array $submittedData, bool $clearMissing = true)

Submits data to the button.


null|string|array $submittedData The submitted data
bool $clearMissing Whether to set fields to NULL when they are missing in the submitted data.

Return Value

FormInterface The form instance


AlreadySubmittedException If the form has already been submitted.

FormInterface getRoot()

Returns the root of the form tree.

Return Value

FormInterface The root of the tree

bool isRoot()

Returns whether the field is the root of the form tree.

Return Value


FormView createView(FormView $parent = null)

Creates a view.


FormView $parent The parent view

Return Value

FormView The view

int count()

Unsupported method.

Return Value

int Always returns 0

EmptyIterator getIterator()

Unsupported method.

Return Value

EmptyIterator Always returns an empty iterator

bool isClicked()

Returns whether this element was clicked.

Return Value

bool Whether this element was clicked
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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