
class Traverse extends Constraint



The name of the group given to all constraints with no explicit group.


Marks a constraint that can be put onto classes.


Marks a constraint that can be put onto properties.


mixed $payload Domain-specific data attached to a constraint. from Constraint
array $groups The groups that the constraint belongs to from Constraint


static string getErrorName(string $errorCode)

Returns the name of the given error code.

from Constraint
__construct(mixed $options = null)

Initializes the constraint with options.

__set(string $option, mixed $value)

Sets the value of a lazily initialized option.

from Constraint
mixed __get(string $option)

Returns the value of a lazily initialized option.

from Constraint
addImplicitGroupName(string $group)

Adds the given group if this constraint is in the Default group.

from Constraint
string getDefaultOption()

Returns the name of the default option.

array getRequiredOptions()

Returns the name of the required options.

from Constraint
string validatedBy()

Returns the name of the class that validates this constraint.

from Constraint
string|array getTargets()

Returns whether the constraint can be put onto classes, properties or both.

array __sleep()

Optimizes the serialized value to minimize storage space.

from Constraint


static string getErrorName(string $errorCode)

Returns the name of the given error code.


string $errorCode The error code

Return Value

string The name of the error code


InvalidArgumentException If the error code does not exist

__construct(mixed $options = null)

Initializes the constraint with options.

You should pass an associative array. The keys should be the names of existing properties in this class. The values should be the value for these properties.

Alternatively you can override the method getDefaultOption() to return the name of an existing property. If no associative array is passed, this property is set instead.

You can force that certain options are set by overriding getRequiredOptions() to return the names of these options. If any option is not set here, an exception is thrown.


mixed $options The options (as associative array) or the value for the default option (any other type)


InvalidOptionsException When you pass the names of non-existing options
MissingOptionsException When you don't pass any of the options returned by getRequiredOptions()
ConstraintDefinitionException When you don't pass an associative array, but getDefaultOption() returns null

__set(string $option, mixed $value)

Sets the value of a lazily initialized option.

Corresponding properties are added to the object on first access. Hence this method will be called at most once per constraint instance and option name.


string $option The option name
mixed $value The value to set


InvalidOptionsException If an invalid option name is given

mixed __get(string $option)

Returns the value of a lazily initialized option.

Corresponding properties are added to the object on first access. Hence this method will be called at most once per constraint instance and option name.


string $option The option name

Return Value

mixed The value of the option


InvalidOptionsException If an invalid option name is given

addImplicitGroupName(string $group)

Adds the given group if this constraint is in the Default group.


string $group

string getDefaultOption()

Returns the name of the default option.

Override this method to define a default option.

Return Value


array getRequiredOptions()

Returns the name of the required options.

Override this method if you want to define required options.

Return Value


See also


string validatedBy()

Returns the name of the class that validates this constraint.

By default, this is the fully qualified name of the constraint class suffixed with "Validator". You can override this method to change that behaviour.

Return Value


string|array getTargets()

Returns whether the constraint can be put onto classes, properties or both.

This method should return one or more of the constants Constraint::CLASSCONSTRAINT and Constraint::PROPERTYCONSTRAINT.

Return Value

string|array One or more constant values

array __sleep()

Optimizes the serialized value to minimize storage space.

Return Value

array The properties to serialize
2016-10-28 06:35:33
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