
Provides a class for CRUD operations on path aliases.

All queries perform case-insensitive matching on the 'source' and 'alias' fields, so the aliases '/test-alias' and '/test-Alias' are considered to be the same, and will both refer to the same internal system path.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Path/AliasStorage.php, line 19




Name Modifiers Type Description
AliasStorage::$connection protected property The database connection.
AliasStorage::$moduleHandler protected property The module handler.
AliasStorage::aliasExists public function Checks if alias already exists. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::aliasExists
AliasStorage::catchException protected function Act on an exception when url_alias might be stale.
AliasStorage::delete public function Deletes a URL alias. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::delete
AliasStorage::ensureTableExists protected function Check if the table exists and create it if not.
AliasStorage::getAliasesForAdminListing public function Loads aliases for admin listing. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::getAliasesForAdminListing
AliasStorage::languageAliasExists public function Checks if there are any aliases with language defined. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::languageAliasExists
AliasStorage::load public function Fetches a specific URL alias from the database. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::load
AliasStorage::lookupPathAlias public function Returns an alias of Drupal system URL. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::lookupPathAlias
AliasStorage::lookupPathSource public function Returns Drupal system URL of an alias. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::lookupPathSource
AliasStorage::pathHasMatchingAlias public function Check if any alias exists starting with $initial_substring. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::pathHasMatchingAlias
AliasStorage::preloadPathAlias public function Pre-loads path alias information for a given list of source paths. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::preloadPathAlias
AliasStorage::save public function Saves a path alias to the database. Overrides AliasStorageInterface::save
AliasStorage::schemaDefinition public static function Defines the schema for the {url_alias} table.
AliasStorage::TABLE constant The table for the url_alias storage.
AliasStorage::__construct public function Constructs a Path CRUD object.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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