
static Analyzer::formatMessage($message, $type = 'error')

Formats an analysis message.

This tool should be called by any module responding to the analyze hook to properly format the message. It is usually used in the form:

  $ret[] = Analyzer::formatMessage(t('This is the message'), 'ok');

The 'ok' status should be used to provide information about things that are acceptable. In general analysis isn't interested in 'ok' messages, but instead the 'warning', which is a category for items that may be broken unless the user knows what he or she is doing, and 'error' for items that are definitely broken are much more useful.


string $message:

string $type: The type of message. This should be "ok", "warning" or "error". Other values can be used but how they are treated by the output routine is undefined.

Return value

array A single formatted message, consisting of a key message and a key type.


core/modules/views/src/Analyzer.php, line 118


This tool is a small plugin manager to perform analysis on a view and report results to the user. This tool is meant to let modules that provide data to Views also help users properly use that data by detecting invalid configurations. Views itself…




static function formatMessage($message, $type = 'error') {
  return array('message' => $message, 'type' => $type);
2016-10-29 08:44:27
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