protected BlockListBuilder::buildBlocksForm()
Builds the main "Blocks" portion of the form.
Return value
- core/modules/block/src/BlockListBuilder.php, line 146
- BlockListBuilder
- Defines a class to build a listing of block entities.
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This makes sure all blocks in the same // region get an unique weight. $weight_delta = round ( count ( $entities ) / 2); $placement = FALSE; if ( $this ->request->query->has( 'block-placement' )) { $placement = $this ->request->query->get( 'block-placement' ); $form [ '#attached' ][ 'drupalSettings' ][ 'blockPlacement' ] = $placement ; } // Loop over each region and build blocks. $regions = $this ->systemRegionList( $this ->getThemeName(), REGIONS_VISIBLE); $block_regions_with_disabled = $regions + array (BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE => $this ->t( 'Disabled' , array (), array ( 'context' => 'Plural' ))); foreach ( $block_regions_with_disabled as $region => $title ) { $form [ '#tabledrag' ][] = array ( 'action' => 'match' , 'relationship' => 'sibling' , 'group' => 'block-region-select' , 'subgroup' => 'block-region-' . $region , 'hidden' => FALSE, ); $form [ '#tabledrag' ][] = array ( 'action' => 'order' , 'relationship' => 'sibling' , 'group' => 'block-weight' , 'subgroup' => 'block-weight-' . $region , ); $form [ 'region-' . $region ] = array ( '#attributes' => array ( 'class' => array ( 'region-title' , 'region-title-' . $region ), 'no_striping' => TRUE, ), ); $form [ 'region-' . $region ][ 'title' ] = array ( '#theme_wrappers' => array ( 'container' => array ( '#attributes' => array ( 'class' => 'region-title__action' ), ) ), '#prefix' => $region != BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE ? $title : $block_regions_with_disabled [ $region ], '#type' => 'link' , '#title' => $this ->t( 'Place block <span class="visually-hidden">in the %region region</span>' , [ '%region' => $block_regions_with_disabled [ $region ]]), '#url' => Url::fromRoute( 'block.admin_library' , [ 'theme' => $this ->getThemeName()], [ 'query' => [ 'region' => $region ]]), '#wrapper_attributes' => array ( 'colspan' => 5, ), '#attributes' => [ 'class' => [ 'use-ajax' , 'button' , 'button--small' ], 'data-dialog-type' => 'modal' , 'data-dialog-options' => Json::encode([ 'width' => 700, ]), ], ); $form [ 'region-' . $region . '-message' ] = array ( '#attributes' => array ( 'class' => array ( 'region-message' , 'region-' . $region . '-message' , empty ( $blocks [ $region ]) ? 'region-empty' : 'region-populated' , ), ), ); $form [ 'region-' . $region . '-message' ][ 'message' ] = array ( '#markup' => '<em>' . $this ->t( 'No blocks in this region' ) . '</em>' , '#wrapper_attributes' => array ( 'colspan' => 5, ), ); if (isset( $blocks [ $region ])) { foreach ( $blocks [ $region ] as $info ) { $entity_id = $info [ 'entity_id' ]; $form [ $entity_id ] = array ( '#attributes' => array ( 'class' => array ( 'draggable' ), ), ); if ( $placement && $placement == Html::getClass( $entity_id )) { $form [ $entity_id ][ '#attributes' ][ 'class' ][] = 'color-success' ; $form [ $entity_id ][ '#attributes' ][ 'class' ][] = 'js-block-placed' ; } $form [ $entity_id ][ 'info' ] = array ( '#plain_text' => $info [ 'label' ], '#wrapper_attributes' => array ( 'class' => array ( 'block' ), ), ); $form [ $entity_id ][ 'type' ] = array ( '#markup' => $info [ 'category' ], ); $form [ $entity_id ][ 'region-theme' ][ 'region' ] = array ( '#type' => 'select' , '#default_value' => $region , '#empty_value' => BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE, '#title' => $this ->t( 'Region for @block block' , array ( '@block' => $info [ 'label' ])), '#title_display' => 'invisible' , '#options' => $regions , '#attributes' => array ( 'class' => array ( 'block-region-select' , 'block-region-' . $region ), ), '#parents' => array ( 'blocks' , $entity_id , 'region' ), ); $form [ $entity_id ][ 'region-theme' ][ 'theme' ] = array ( '#type' => 'hidden' , '#value' => $this ->getThemeName(), '#parents' => array ( 'blocks' , $entity_id , 'theme' ), ); $form [ $entity_id ][ 'weight' ] = array ( '#type' => 'weight' , '#default_value' => $info [ 'weight' ], '#delta' => $weight_delta , '#title' => $this ->t( 'Weight for @block block' , array ( '@block' => $info [ 'label' ])), '#title_display' => 'invisible' , '#attributes' => array ( 'class' => array ( 'block-weight' , 'block-weight-' . $region ), ), ); $form [ $entity_id ][ 'operations' ] = $this ->buildOperations( $info [ 'entity' ]); } } } // Do not allow disabling the main system content block when it is present. if (isset( $form [ 'system_main' ][ 'region' ])) { $form [ 'system_main' ][ 'region' ][ '#required' ] = TRUE; } return $form ; } |
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