block_content_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match)
Implements hook_help().
- core/modules/block_content/block_content.module, line 15
- Allows the creation of custom blocks through the user interface.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | function block_content_help( $route_name , RouteMatchInterface $route_match ) { switch ( $route_name ) { case '' : $field_ui = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists( 'field_ui' ) ? \Drupal::url( '' , array ( 'name' => 'field_ui' )) : '#' ; $output = '' ; $output .= '<h3>' . t( 'About' ) . '</h3>' ; $output .= '<p>' . t( 'The Custom Block module allows you to create and manage custom <em>block types</em> and <em>content-containing blocks</em> from the <a href = ":block-library" >Custom block library<a/> page. Custom block types have fields; see the <a href=":field-help">Field module help</a> for more information. Once created, custom blocks can be placed in regions just like blocks provided by other modules; see the <a href=":blocks">Block module help</a> page for details. For more information, see the <a href=":online-help">online documentation for the Custom Block module</a>.' , array ( ':block-library' => \Drupal::url( 'entity.block_content.collection' ), ':block-content' => \Drupal::url( 'entity.block_content.collection' ), ':field-help' => \Drupal::url( '' , array ( 'name' => 'field' )), ':blocks' => \Drupal::url( '' , array ( 'name' => 'block' )), ':online-help' => '' )) . '</p>' ; $output .= '<h3>' . t( 'Uses' ) . '</h3>' ; $output .= '<dl>' ; $output .= '<dt>' . t( 'Creating and managing custom block types' ) . '</dt>' ; $output .= '<dd>' . t( 'Users with the <em>Administer blocks</em> permission can create and edit custom block types with fields and display settings, from the <a href=":types">Block types</a> page in the Custom block library. For more information about managing fields and display settings, see the <a href=":field-ui">Field UI module help</a>.' , array ( ':types' => \Drupal::url( 'entity.block_content_type.collection' ), ':field-ui' => $field_ui )) . '</dd>' ; $output .= '<dt>' . t( 'Creating custom blocks' ) . '</dt>' ; $output .= '<dd>' . t( 'Users with the <em>Administer blocks</em> permission can create, edit, and delete custom blocks of each defined custom block type, from the <a href=":block-library">Blocks</a> page in the Custom block library. After creating a block, place it in a region from the <a href=":blocks">Block layout</a> page; see the <a href=":block_help">Block module help</a> for more information about placing blocks.' , array ( ':blocks' => \Drupal::url( 'block.admin_display' ), ':block-library' => \Drupal::url( 'entity.block_content.collection' ), ':block_help' => \Drupal::url( '' , array ( 'name' => 'block' )))) . '</dd>' ; $output .= '</dl>' ; return $output ; case 'entity.block_content.collection' : $output = '<p>' . t( 'Blocks in the block library belong to <a href=":types">Custom block types</a>, each with its own fields and display settings. After creating a block, place it in a region from the <a href=":blocks">Block layout</a> page.' , array ( ':types' => \Drupal::url( 'entity.block_content_type.collection' ), ':blocks' => \Drupal::url( 'block.admin_display' ))) . '</p>' ; return $output ; case 'entity.block_content_type.collection' : $output = '<p>' . t( 'Each block type has its own fields and display settings. Create blocks of each type on the <a href=":block-library">Blocks</a> page in the custom block library.' , array ( ':block-library' => \Drupal::url( 'entity.block_content.collection' ))) . '</p>' ; return $output ; } } |
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