
Defines the condition class for the null entity query.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Query/Null/Condition.php, line 10




Name Modifiers Type Description
Condition::compile public function Compiles this conditional clause. Overrides ConditionInterface::compile
Condition::exists public function Queries for the existence of a field. Overrides ConditionInterface::exists
Condition::notExists public function Queries for the existence of a field. Overrides ConditionInterface::notExists
ConditionBase::condition public function Adds a condition. Overrides ConditionInterface::condition
ConditionFundamentals::$conditions protected property Array of conditions.
ConditionFundamentals::$conjunction protected property The conjunction of this condition group. The value is one of the following:
ConditionFundamentals::$namespaces protected property List of potential namespaces of the classes belonging to this condition.
ConditionFundamentals::$query protected property The query this condition belongs to.
ConditionFundamentals::conditions public function Gets a complete list of all conditions in this conditional clause. Overrides ConditionInterface::conditions
ConditionFundamentals::count public function Implements \Countable::count(). Overrides ConditionInterface::count
ConditionFundamentals::getConjunction public function Gets the current conjunction. Overrides ConditionInterface::getConjunction
ConditionFundamentals::__clone public function Implements the magic __clone function.
ConditionFundamentals::__construct public function Constructs a Condition object.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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