public ConfigSync::buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
Form constructor.
array $form: An associative array containing the structure of the form.
\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The current state of the form.
Return value
array The form structure.
Overrides FormInterface::buildForm
- core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSync.php, line 173
- ConfigSync
- Construct the storage changes in a configuration synchronization form.
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You can only synchronize configuration between cloned instances of this site.' ), 'error' ); $form [ 'actions' ][ '#access' ] = FALSE; return $form ; } // A list of changes will be displayed, so check if the user should be // warned of potential losses to configuration. if ( $this ->snapshotStorage->exists( 'core.extension' )) { $snapshot_comparer = new StorageComparer( $this ->activeStorage, $this ->snapshotStorage, $this ->configManager); if (! $form_state ->getUserInput() && $snapshot_comparer ->createChangelist()->hasChanges()) { $change_list = array (); foreach ( $snapshot_comparer ->getAllCollectionNames() as $collection ) { foreach ( $snapshot_comparer ->getChangelist(NULL, $collection ) as $config_names ) { if ( empty ( $config_names )) { continue ; } foreach ( $config_names as $config_name ) { $change_list [] = $config_name ; } } } sort( $change_list ); $message = [ [ '#markup' => $this ->t( 'The following items in your active configuration have changes since the last import that may be lost on the next import.' ) ], [ '#theme' => 'item_list' , '#items' => $change_list , ] ]; drupal_set_message( $this ->renderer->renderPlain( $message ), 'warning' ); } } // Store the comparer for use in the submit. $form_state ->set( 'storage_comparer' , $storage_comparer ); // Add the AJAX library to the form for dialog support. $form [ '#attached' ][ 'library' ][] = 'core/drupal.dialog.ajax' ; foreach ( $storage_comparer ->getAllCollectionNames() as $collection ) { if ( $collection != StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION) { $form [ $collection ][ 'collection_heading' ] = array ( '#type' => 'html_tag' , '#tag' => 'h2' , '#value' => $this ->t( '@collection configuration collection' , array ( '@collection' => $collection )), ); } foreach ( $storage_comparer ->getChangelist(NULL, $collection ) as $config_change_type => $config_names ) { if ( empty ( $config_names )) { continue ; } // @todo A table caption would be more appropriate, but does not have the // visual importance of a heading. $form [ $collection ][ $config_change_type ][ 'heading' ] = array ( '#type' => 'html_tag' , '#tag' => 'h3' , ); switch ( $config_change_type ) { case 'create' : $form [ $collection ][ $config_change_type ][ 'heading' ][ '#value' ] = $this ->formatPlural( count ( $config_names ), '@count new' , '@count new' ); break ; case 'update' : $form [ $collection ][ $config_change_type ][ 'heading' ][ '#value' ] = $this ->formatPlural( count ( $config_names ), '@count changed' , '@count changed' ); break ; case 'delete' : $form [ $collection ][ $config_change_type ][ 'heading' ][ '#value' ] = $this ->formatPlural( count ( $config_names ), '@count removed' , '@count removed' ); break ; case 'rename' : $form [ $collection ][ $config_change_type ][ 'heading' ][ '#value' ] = $this ->formatPlural( count ( $config_names ), '@count renamed' , '@count renamed' ); break ; } $form [ $collection ][ $config_change_type ][ 'list' ] = array ( '#type' => 'table' , '#header' => array ( $this ->t( 'Name' ), $this ->t( 'Operations' )), ); foreach ( $config_names as $config_name ) { if ( $config_change_type == 'rename' ) { $names = $storage_comparer ->extractRenameNames( $config_name ); $route_options = array ( 'source_name' => $names [ 'old_name' ], 'target_name' => $names [ 'new_name' ]); $config_name = $this ->t( '@source_name to @target_name' , array ( '@source_name' => $names [ 'old_name' ], '@target_name' => $names [ 'new_name' ])); } else { $route_options = array ( 'source_name' => $config_name ); } if ( $collection != StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION) { $route_name = 'config.diff_collection' ; $route_options [ 'collection' ] = $collection ; } else { $route_name = 'config.diff' ; } $links [ 'view_diff' ] = array ( 'title' => $this ->t( 'View differences' ), 'url' => Url::fromRoute( $route_name , $route_options ), 'attributes' => array ( 'class' => array ( 'use-ajax' ), 'data-dialog-type' => 'modal' , 'data-dialog-options' => json_encode( array ( 'width' => 700 )), ), ); $form [ $collection ][ $config_change_type ][ 'list' ][ '#rows' ][] = array ( 'name' => $config_name , 'operations' => array ( 'data' => array ( '#type' => 'operations' , '#links' => $links , ), ), ); } } } return $form ; } |
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