content_translation_form_field_config_edit_form_alter(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for 'field_config_edit_form'.
- core/modules/content_translation/content_translation.module, line 373
- Allows entities to be translated into different languages.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | function content_translation_form_field_config_edit_form_alter( array & $form , FormStateInterface $form_state ) { $field = $form_state ->getFormObject()->getEntity(); $bundle_is_translatable = \Drupal::service( 'content_translation.manager' )->isEnabled( $field ->getTargetEntityTypeId(), $field ->getTargetBundle()); $form [ 'translatable' ] = array ( '#type' => 'checkbox' , '#title' => t( 'Users may translate this field' ), '#default_value' => $field ->isTranslatable(), '#weight' => -1, '#disabled' => ! $bundle_is_translatable , '#access' => $field ->getFieldStorageDefinition()->isTranslatable(), ); // Provide helpful pointers for administrators. if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission( 'administer content translation' ) && ! $bundle_is_translatable ) { $toggle_url = \Drupal::url( 'language.content_settings_page' , array (), array ( 'query' => \Drupal::destination()->getAsArray(), )); $form [ 'translatable' ][ '#description' ] = t( 'To configure translation for this field, <a href=":language-settings-url">enable language support</a> for this type.' , array ( ':language-settings-url' => $toggle_url , )); } if ( $field ->isTranslatable()) { module_load_include( 'inc' , 'content_translation' , 'content_translation.admin' ); $element = content_translation_field_sync_widget( $field ); if ( $element ) { $form [ 'third_party_settings' ][ 'content_translation' ][ 'translation_sync' ] = $element ; $form [ 'third_party_settings' ][ 'content_translation' ][ 'translation_sync' ][ '#weight' ] = -10; } } } |
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