
Interface for entity reference lists of field items.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface.php, line 8




Name Modifiers Type Description
AccessibleInterface::access public function Checks data value access.
EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface::referencedEntities public function Gets the entities referenced by this field, preserving field item deltas.
FieldItemListInterface::defaultAccess public function Contains the default access logic of this field.
FieldItemListInterface::defaultValuesForm public function Returns a form for the default value input.
FieldItemListInterface::defaultValuesFormSubmit public function Processes the submitted default value.
FieldItemListInterface::defaultValuesFormValidate public function Validates the submitted default value.
FieldItemListInterface::delete public function Defines custom delete behavior for field values.
FieldItemListInterface::deleteRevision public function Defines custom revision delete behavior for field values.
FieldItemListInterface::equals public function Determines equality to another object implementing FieldItemListInterface.
FieldItemListInterface::filterEmptyItems public function Filters out empty field items and re-numbers the item deltas.
FieldItemListInterface::generateSampleItems public function Populates a specified number of field items with valid sample data.
FieldItemListInterface::getEntity public function Gets the entity that field belongs to.
FieldItemListInterface::getFieldDefinition public function Gets the field definition.
FieldItemListInterface::getLangcode public function Gets the langcode of the field values held in the object.
FieldItemListInterface::getSetting public function Returns the value of a given field setting.
FieldItemListInterface::getSettings public function Returns the array of field settings.
FieldItemListInterface::postSave public function Defines custom post-save behavior for field values.
FieldItemListInterface::preSave public function Defines custom presave behavior for field values.
FieldItemListInterface::processDefaultValue public static function Processes the default value before being applied.
FieldItemListInterface::setLangcode public function Sets the langcode of the field values held in the object.
FieldItemListInterface::view public function Returns a renderable array for the field items.
FieldItemListInterface::__get public function Magic method: Gets a property value of to the first field item.
FieldItemListInterface::__isset public function Magic method: Determines whether a property of the first field item is set.
FieldItemListInterface::__set public function Magic method: Sets a property value of the first field item.
FieldItemListInterface::__unset public function Magic method: Unsets a property of the first field item.
ListInterface::appendItem public function Appends a new item to the list.
ListInterface::filter public function Filters the items in the list using a custom callback.
ListInterface::first public function Returns the first item in this list.
ListInterface::get public function Returns the item at the specified position in this list.
ListInterface::getDataDefinition public function Gets the data definition. Overrides TypedDataInterface::getDataDefinition
ListInterface::getItemDefinition public function Gets the definition of a contained item.
ListInterface::isEmpty public function Determines whether the list contains any non-empty items.
ListInterface::removeItem public function Removes the item at the specified position.
ListInterface::set public function Sets the value of the item at a given position in the list.
TraversableTypedDataInterface::onChange public function React to changes to a child property or item.
TypedDataInterface::applyDefaultValue public function Applies the default value.
TypedDataInterface::createInstance public static function Constructs a TypedData object given its definition and context.
TypedDataInterface::getConstraints public function Gets a list of validation constraints.
TypedDataInterface::getName public function Returns the name of a property or item.
TypedDataInterface::getParent public function Returns the parent data structure; i.e. either complex data or a list.
TypedDataInterface::getPropertyPath public function Returns the property path of the data.
TypedDataInterface::getRoot public function Returns the root of the typed data tree.
TypedDataInterface::getString public function Returns a string representation of the data.
TypedDataInterface::getValue public function Gets the data value.
TypedDataInterface::setContext public function Sets the context of a property or item via a context aware parent.
TypedDataInterface::setValue public function Sets the data value.
TypedDataInterface::validate public function Validates the currently set data value.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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