
public FormElementBase::getTranslationBuild(LanguageInterface $source_language, LanguageInterface $translation_language, $source_config, $translation_config, array $parents, $base_key = NULL)

Builds a render array containg the source and translation form elements.


\Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface $source_language: The source language of the configuration object.

\Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface $translation_language: The language to display the translation form for.

mixed $source_config: The configuration value of the element in the source language.

mixed $translation_config: The configuration value of the element in the language to translate to.

array $parents: Parents array for the element in the form.

string|null $base_key: (optional) Base key to be used for the elements in the form. NULL for top-level form elements.

Return value

array A render array consisting of the source and translation elements for the source value.

Overrides ElementInterface::getTranslationBuild


core/modules/config_translation/src/FormElement/FormElementBase.php, line 53


Provides a common base class for form elements.




public function getTranslationBuild(LanguageInterface $source_language, LanguageInterface $translation_language, $source_config, $translation_config, array $parents, $base_key = NULL) {
  $build['#theme'] = 'config_translation_manage_form_element';

  // For accessibility we make source and translation appear next to each
  // other in the source for each element, which is why we utilize the
  // 'source' and 'translation' sub-keys for the form. The form values,
  // however, should mirror the configuration structure, so that we can
  // traverse the configuration schema and still access the right
  // configuration values in ConfigTranslationFormBase::setConfig().
  // Therefore we make the 'source' and 'translation' keys the top-level
  // keys in $form_state['values'].
  $build['source'] = $this->getSourceElement($source_language, $source_config);
  $build['translation'] = $this->getTranslationElement($translation_language, $source_config, $translation_config);

  $build['source']['#parents'] = array_merge(array('source'), $parents);
  $build['translation']['#parents'] = array_merge(array('translation'), $parents);
  return $build;
2016-10-29 09:15:37
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