Alter the parameters for links.
array $variables: An associative array of variables defining a link. The link may be either a "route link" using \Drupal\Core\Utility\LinkGenerator::link(), which is exposed as the 'link_generator' service or a link generated by \Drupal\Core\Utility\LinkGeneratorInterface::generate(). If the link is a "route link", 'route_name' will be set; otherwise, 'path' will be set. The following keys can be altered:
- text: The link text for the anchor tag. If the hook implementation changes this text it needs to preserve the safeness of the original text. Using t() or \Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup::format() with @placeholder is recommended as this will escape the original text if necessary. If the resulting text is not marked safe it will be escaped.
- url_is_active: Whether or not the link points to the currently active URL.
- url: The \Drupal\Core\Url object.
options: An associative array of additional options that will be passed to either \Drupal\Core\Utility\UnroutedUrlAssembler::assemble() or \Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator::generateFromRoute() to generate the href attribute for this link, and also used when generating the link. Defaults to an empty array. It may contain the following elements:
- 'query': An array of query key/value-pairs (without any URL-encoding) to append to the URL.
- absolute: Whether to force the output to be an absolute link (beginning with http:). Useful for links that will be displayed outside the site, such as in an RSS feed. Defaults to FALSE.
- language: An optional language object. May affect the rendering of the anchor tag, such as by adding a language prefix to the path.
- attributes: An associative array of HTML attributes to apply to the anchor tag. If element 'class' is included, it must be an array; 'title' must be a string; other elements are more flexible, as they just need to work as an argument for the constructor of the class Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute($options['attributes']).
See also
Related topics
- Hooks
- Define functions that alter the behavior of Drupal core.
- core/lib/Drupal/Core/Menu/menu.api.php, line 475
- Hooks and documentation related to the menu system and links.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | function hook_link_alter(& $variables ) { // Add a warning to the end of route links to the admin section. if (isset( $variables [ 'route_name' ]) && strpos ( $variables [ 'route_name' ], 'admin' ) !== FALSE) { $variables [ 'text' ] = t( '@text (Warning!)' , [ '@text' => $variables [ 'text' ]]); } } |
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