API functions for installing Drupal.




Name Description
install_base_system Installation task; install the base functionality Drupal needs to bootstrap.
install_begin_request Begins an installation request, modifying the installation state as needed.
install_bootstrap_full Performs a full bootstrap of Drupal during installation.
install_check_localization_server Checks if the localization server can be contacted.
install_check_requirements Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.
install_check_translations Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.
install_core_entity_type_definitions Installs entity type definitions provided by core.
install_database_errors Checks a database connection and returns any errors.
install_display_output Displays themed installer output and ends the page request.
install_display_requirements Displays installation requirements.
install_download_additional_translations_operations Prepares the system for import and downloads additional translations.
install_download_translation Download a translation file for the selected language.
install_drupal Installs Drupal either interactively or via an array of passed-in settings.
install_find_translations Finds all .po files that are useful to the installer.
install_finished Performs final installation steps and displays a 'finished' page.
install_finish_translations Finishes importing files at end of installation.
install_full_redirect_url Returns the complete URL redirected to during an installation request.
install_get_form Builds and processes a form for the installer environment.
install_import_translations Imports languages via a batch process during installation.
install_install_profile Installs the install profile.
install_load_profile Loads information about the chosen profile during installation.
install_profile_modules Installs required modules via a batch process.
install_profile_themes Installs themes.
install_redirect_url Returns the URL that should be redirected to during an installation request.
install_retrieve_file Attempts to get a file using a HTTP request and to store it locally.
install_run_task Runs an individual installation task.
install_run_tasks Runs all tasks for the current installation request.
install_select_language Selects which language to use during installation.
install_select_profile Selects which profile to install.
install_state_defaults Returns an array of default settings for the global installation state.
install_tasks Returns a list of all tasks the installer currently knows about.
install_tasks_to_display Returns a list of tasks that should be displayed to the end user.
install_tasks_to_perform Returns a list of tasks to perform during the current installation request.
install_verify_completed_task Verifies and returns the last installation task that was completed.
install_verify_database_ready Verify that the database is ready (no existing Drupal installation).
install_verify_database_settings Verifies that settings.php specifies a valid database connection.
install_verify_requirements Verifies the requirements for installing Drupal.
install_write_profile Installation task; ensures install profile is written to settings.php.
_install_get_version_info Extracts version information from a drupal core version string.
_install_module_batch Implements callback_batch_operation().
_install_prepare_import Tells the translation import process that Drupal core is installed.
_install_select_profile Determines the installation profile to use in the installer.


Name Description
INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED Run the task on each installation request until the database is set up.
INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_REACHED Run the task on each installation request that reaches it.
INSTALL_TASK_SKIP Do not run the task during the current installation request.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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