locale_translate_get_interface_translation_files(array $projects = array(), array $langcodes = array())
Get interface translation files present in the translations directory.
array $projects: (optional) Project names from which to get the translation files and history. Defaults to all projects.
array $langcodes: (optional) Language codes from which to get the translation files and history. Defaults to all languages.
Return value
array An array of interface translation files keyed by their URI.
- core/modules/locale/locale.bulk.inc, line 87
- Mass import-export and batch import functionality for Gettext .po files.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | function locale_translate_get_interface_translation_files( array $projects = array (), array $langcodes = array ()) { module_load_include( 'compare.inc' , 'locale' ); $files = array (); $projects = $projects ? $projects : array_keys (locale_translation_get_projects()); $langcodes = $langcodes ? $langcodes : array_keys (locale_translatable_language_list()); // Scan the translations directory for files matching a name pattern // containing a project name and language code: {project}.{langcode}.po or // {project}-{version}.{langcode}.po. // Only files of known projects and languages will be returned. $directory = \Drupal::config( 'locale.settings' )->get( 'translation.path' ); $result = file_scan_directory( $directory , '![a-z_]+(\-[0-9a-z\.\-\+]+|)\.[^\./]+\.po$!' , array ( 'recurse' => FALSE)); foreach ( $result as $file ) { // Update the file object with project name and version from the file name. $file = locale_translate_file_attach_properties( $file ); if (in_array( $file ->project, $projects )) { if (in_array( $file ->langcode, $langcodes )) { $files [ $file ->uri] = $file ; } } } return $files ; } |
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