
This many to one helper object is used on both arguments and filters.

@todo This requires extensive documentation on how this class is to be used. For now, look at the arguments and filters that use it. Lots of stuff is just pass-through but there are definitely some interesting areas where they interact.

Any handler that uses this can have the following possibly additional definition terms:

  • numeric: If true, treat this field as numeric, using %d instead of %s in queries.



core/modules/views/src/ManyToOneHelper.php, line 21




Name Modifiers Type Description
ManyToOneHelper::addFilter public function
ManyToOneHelper::addTable public function Add a table to the query.
ManyToOneHelper::buildOptionsForm public function
ManyToOneHelper::defineOptions public static function
ManyToOneHelper::ensureMyTable public function Override ensureMyTable so we can control how this joins in. The operator actually has influence over joining.
ManyToOneHelper::getField public function Sometimes the handler might want us to use some kind of formula, so give it that option. If it wants us to do this, it must set $helper->formula = TRUE and implement handler->getFormula();
ManyToOneHelper::getJoin public function
ManyToOneHelper::placeholder protected function Provides a unique placeholders for handlers.
ManyToOneHelper::summaryJoin public function Provide the proper join for summary queries. This is important in part because it will cooperate with other arguments if possible.
ManyToOneHelper::__construct function
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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