
Implements the loading, transforming and rendering of menu link trees.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Menu/MenuLinkTree.php, line 15




Name Modifiers Type Description
MenuLinkTree::$controllerResolver protected property The controller resolver.
MenuLinkTree::$menuActiveTrail protected property The active menu trail service.
MenuLinkTree::$routeProvider protected property The route provider to load routes by name.
MenuLinkTree::$treeStorage protected property The menu link tree storage.
MenuLinkTree::build public function Builds a renderable array from a menu tree. Overrides MenuLinkTreeInterface::build
MenuLinkTree::buildItems protected function Builds the #items property for a menu tree's renderable array.
MenuLinkTree::createInstances protected function Returns a tree containing of MenuLinkTreeElement based upon tree data.
MenuLinkTree::getCurrentRouteMenuTreeParameters public function Gets the link tree parameters for rendering a specific menu. Overrides MenuLinkTreeInterface::getCurrentRouteMenuTreeParameters
MenuLinkTree::getExpanded public function Finds expanded links in a menu given a set of possible parents. Overrides MenuLinkTreeInterface::getExpanded
MenuLinkTree::getSubtreeHeight public function Finds the height of a subtree rooted by of the given ID. Overrides MenuLinkTreeInterface::getSubtreeHeight
MenuLinkTree::load public function Loads a menu tree with a menu link plugin instance at each element. Overrides MenuLinkTreeInterface::load
MenuLinkTree::maxDepth public function Returns the maximum depth of tree that is supported. Overrides MenuLinkTreeInterface::maxDepth
MenuLinkTree::transform public function Applies menu link tree manipulators to transform the given tree. Overrides MenuLinkTreeInterface::transform
MenuLinkTree::__construct public function Constructs a \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTree object.
2016-10-29 09:27:16
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