
Provides a container for application specific session metadata.


  • class \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\MetadataBag implements \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\SessionBagInterface


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Session/MetadataBag.php, line 11




Name Modifiers Type Description
MetadataBag::$lastUsed private property Unix timestamp.
MetadataBag::$meta protected property
MetadataBag::$name private property
MetadataBag::$storageKey private property
MetadataBag::$updateThreshold private property
MetadataBag::clear public function
MetadataBag::clearCsrfTokenSeed public function Clear the CSRF token seed.
MetadataBag::CREATED constant
MetadataBag::CSRF_TOKEN_SEED constant The key used to store the CSRF token seed in the session.
MetadataBag::getCreated public function Gets the created timestamp metadata.
MetadataBag::getCsrfTokenSeed public function Get the CSRF token seed.
MetadataBag::getLastUsed public function Gets the last used metadata.
MetadataBag::getLifetime public function Gets the lifetime that the session cookie was set with.
MetadataBag::getName public function
MetadataBag::getStorageKey public function
MetadataBag::initialize public function
MetadataBag::LIFETIME constant
MetadataBag::setCsrfTokenSeed public function Set the CSRF token seed.
MetadataBag::setName public function Sets name.
MetadataBag::stampCreated private function
MetadataBag::stampNew public function Stamps a new session's metadata.
MetadataBag::UPDATED constant
MetadataBag::__construct public function Constructs a new metadata bag instance. Overrides MetadataBag::__construct
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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