
Gettext PO writer working with the locale module database.



core/modules/locale/src/PoDatabaseWriter.php, line 13




Name Modifiers Type Description
PoDatabaseWriter::$header private property Header of the po file written to the database.
PoDatabaseWriter::$langcode private property Language code of the language being written to the database.
PoDatabaseWriter::$options private property An associative array indicating what data should be overwritten, if any.
PoDatabaseWriter::$report private property Associative array summarizing the number of changes done.
PoDatabaseWriter::getHeader public function Get header metadata. Overrides PoMetadataInterface::getHeader
PoDatabaseWriter::getLangcode public function Get language code. Overrides PoMetadataInterface::getLangcode
PoDatabaseWriter::getOptions public function Get the options used by the writer.
PoDatabaseWriter::getReport public function Get the report of the write operations.
PoDatabaseWriter::importString private function Imports one string into the database.
PoDatabaseWriter::setHeader public function Implements Drupal\Component\Gettext\PoMetadataInterface::setHeader(). Overrides PoMetadataInterface::setHeader
PoDatabaseWriter::setLangcode public function Set language code. Overrides PoMetadataInterface::setLangcode
PoDatabaseWriter::setOptions public function Set the options for the current writer.
PoDatabaseWriter::setReport public function Set the report array of write operations.
PoDatabaseWriter::writeItem public function Writes the given item. Overrides PoWriterInterface::writeItem
PoDatabaseWriter::writeItems public function Writes all or the given amount of items. Overrides PoWriterInterface::writeItems
PoDatabaseWriter::__construct public function Constructor, initialize reporting array.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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