
Provides a factory for creating entity query objects for the config backend.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/Entity/Query/QueryFactory.php, line 21




Name Modifiers Type Description
QueryFactory::$configFactory protected property The config factory used by the config entity query.
QueryFactory::$namespaces protected property The namespace of this class, the parent class etc.
QueryFactory::CONFIG_LOOKUP_PREFIX constant The prefix for the key value collection for fast lookups.
QueryFactory::deleteConfigKeyStore protected function Deletes lookup data.
QueryFactory::get public function Instantiates an entity query for a given entity type. Overrides QueryFactoryInterface::get
QueryFactory::getAggregate public function Instantiates an aggregation query object for a given entity type. Overrides QueryFactoryInterface::getAggregate
QueryFactory::getConfigKeyStore protected function Gets the key value store used to store fast lookups.
QueryFactory::getKeys protected function Creates lookup keys for configuration data.
QueryFactory::getSubscribedEvents static function Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to. Overrides EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents
QueryFactory::getValues protected function Finds all the values for a configuration key in a configuration object.
QueryFactory::onConfigDelete public function Removes configuration entity from key store.
QueryFactory::onConfigSave public function Updates configuration entity in the key store.
QueryFactory::updateConfigKeyStore protected function Updates or adds lookup data.
QueryFactory::__construct public function Constructs a QueryFactory object.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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