
public SqlContentEntityStorage::getTableMapping(array $storage_definitions = NULL)

Gets a table mapping for the entity's SQL tables.


\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface[] $storage_definitions: (optional) An array of field storage definitions to be used to compute the table mapping. Defaults to the ones provided by the entity manager.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\TableMappingInterface A table mapping object for the entity's tables.

Overrides SqlEntityStorageInterface::getTableMapping


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Sql/SqlContentEntityStorage.php, line 272


A content entity database storage implementation.




public function getTableMapping(array $storage_definitions = NULL) {
  $table_mapping = $this->tableMapping;

  // If we are using our internal storage definitions, which is our main use
  // case, we can statically cache the computed table mapping. If a new set
  // of field storage definitions is passed, for instance when comparing old
  // and new storage schema, we compute the table mapping without caching.
  // @todo Clean-up this in https://www.drupal.org/node/2274017 so we can
  //   easily instantiate a new table mapping whenever needed.
  if (!isset($this->tableMapping) || $storage_definitions) {
    $definitions = $storage_definitions ? : $this->entityManager->getFieldStorageDefinitions($this->entityTypeId);
    $table_mapping = new DefaultTableMapping($this->entityType, $definitions);

    $shared_table_definitions = array_filter($definitions, function(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $definition) use ($table_mapping) {
      return $table_mapping->allowsSharedTableStorage($definition);

    $key_fields = array_values(array_filter(array($this->idKey, $this->revisionKey, $this->bundleKey, $this->uuidKey, $this->langcodeKey)));
    $all_fields = array_keys($shared_table_definitions);
    $revisionable_fields = array_keys(array_filter($shared_table_definitions, function(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $definition) {
      return $definition->isRevisionable();
    // Make sure the key fields come first in the list of fields.
    $all_fields = array_merge($key_fields, array_diff($all_fields, $key_fields));

    // Nodes have all three of these fields, while custom blocks only have
    // log.
    // @todo Provide automatic definitions for revision metadata fields in
    //   https://www.drupal.org/node/2248983.
    $revision_metadata_fields = array_intersect(array(
    ), $all_fields);

    $revisionable = $this->entityType->isRevisionable();
    $translatable = $this->entityType->isTranslatable();
    if (!$revisionable && !$translatable) {
      // The base layout stores all the base field values in the base table.
      $table_mapping->setFieldNames($this->baseTable, $all_fields);
    elseif ($revisionable && !$translatable) {
      // The revisionable layout stores all the base field values in the base
      // table, except for revision metadata fields. Revisionable fields
      // denormalized in the base table but also stored in the revision table
      // together with the entity ID and the revision ID as identifiers.
      $table_mapping->setFieldNames($this->baseTable, array_diff($all_fields, $revision_metadata_fields));
      $revision_key_fields = array($this->idKey, $this->revisionKey);
      $table_mapping->setFieldNames($this->revisionTable, array_merge($revision_key_fields, $revisionable_fields));
    elseif (!$revisionable && $translatable) {
      // Multilingual layouts store key field values in the base table. The
      // other base field values are stored in the data table, no matter
      // whether they are translatable or not. The data table holds also a
      // denormalized copy of the bundle field value to allow for more
      // performant queries. This means that only the UUID is not stored on
      // the data table.
      ->setFieldNames($this->baseTable, $key_fields)
        ->setFieldNames($this->dataTable, array_values(array_diff($all_fields, array($this->uuidKey))));
    elseif ($revisionable && $translatable) {
      // The revisionable multilingual layout stores key field values in the
      // base table, except for language, which is stored in the revision
      // table along with revision metadata. The revision data table holds
      // data field values for all the revisionable fields and the data table
      // holds the data field values for all non-revisionable fields. The data
      // field values of revisionable fields are denormalized in the data
      // table, as well.
      $table_mapping->setFieldNames($this->baseTable, array_values($key_fields));

      // Like in the multilingual, non-revisionable case the UUID is not
      // in the data table. Additionally, do not store revision metadata
      // fields in the data table.
      $data_fields = array_values(array_diff($all_fields, array($this->uuidKey), $revision_metadata_fields));
      $table_mapping->setFieldNames($this->dataTable, $data_fields);

      $revision_base_fields = array_merge(array($this->idKey, $this->revisionKey, $this->langcodeKey), $revision_metadata_fields);
      $table_mapping->setFieldNames($this->revisionTable, $revision_base_fields);

      $revision_data_key_fields = array($this->idKey, $this->revisionKey, $this->langcodeKey);
      $revision_data_fields = array_diff($revisionable_fields, $revision_metadata_fields, array($this->langcodeKey));
      $table_mapping->setFieldNames($this->revisionDataTable, array_merge($revision_data_key_fields, $revision_data_fields));

    // Add dedicated tables.
    $dedicated_table_definitions = array_filter($definitions, function(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $definition) use ($table_mapping) {
      return $table_mapping->requiresDedicatedTableStorage($definition);
    $extra_columns = array(
    foreach ($dedicated_table_definitions as $field_name => $definition) {
      $tables = [$table_mapping->getDedicatedDataTableName($definition)];
      if ($revisionable && $definition->isRevisionable()) {
        $tables[] = $table_mapping->getDedicatedRevisionTableName($definition);
      foreach ($tables as $table_name) {
        $table_mapping->setFieldNames($table_name, array($field_name));
        $table_mapping->setExtraColumns($table_name, $extra_columns);

    // Cache the computed table mapping only if we are using our internal
    // storage definitions.
    if (!$storage_definitions) {
      $this->tableMapping = $table_mapping;

  return $table_mapping;
2016-10-29 09:43:24
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