
Defines the locale string interface.



core/modules/locale/src/StringInterface.php, line 8




Name Modifiers Type Description
StringInterface::addLocation public function Adds a location for this string.
StringInterface::delete public function Deletes string object from storage.
StringInterface::getId public function Gets the string unique identifier.
StringInterface::getLocations public function Gets location information for this string.
StringInterface::getPlurals public function Splits string to work with plural values.
StringInterface::getStorage public function Gets the string storage.
StringInterface::getString public function Gets plain string contained in this object.
StringInterface::getValues public function Gets field values that are set for given field names.
StringInterface::getVersion public function Gets the string version.
StringInterface::hasLocation public function Checks whether the string has a given location.
StringInterface::isNew public function Checks whether the object is not saved to storage yet.
StringInterface::isSource public function Checks whether the object is a source string.
StringInterface::isTranslation public function Checks whether the object is a translation string.
StringInterface::save public function Saves string object to storage.
StringInterface::setId public function Sets the string unique identifier.
StringInterface::setPlurals public function Sets this string using array of plural values.
StringInterface::setStorage public function Sets the string storage.
StringInterface::setString public function Sets the string contained in this object.
StringInterface::setValues public function Sets an array of values as object properties.
StringInterface::setVersion public function Sets the string version.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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