
Defines an interface for a class which can update a Drupal project.

An Updater currently serves the following purposes:

  • It can take a given directory, and determine if it can operate on it.
  • It can move the contents of that directory into the appropriate place on the system using FileTransfer classes.
  • It can return a list of "next steps" after an update or install.
  • In the future, it will most likely perform some of those steps as well.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Updater/UpdaterInterface.php, line 15




Name Modifiers Type Description
UpdaterInterface::canUpdateDirectory public static function Determines if the Updater can handle the project provided in $directory.
UpdaterInterface::getInstallDirectory public function Returns the path to the default install location for the current project.
UpdaterInterface::getProjectName public static function Returns the system name of the project.
UpdaterInterface::getRootDirectoryRelativePath public static function Returns the name of the root directory under which projects will be copied.
UpdaterInterface::isInstalled public function Checks if the project is installed.
UpdaterInterface::postInstall public function Actions to run after an install has occurred.
UpdaterInterface::postUpdate public function Actions to run after an update has occurred.
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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