
_update_manager_check_backends(&$form, $operation)

Checks for file transfer backends and prepares a form fragment about them.


array $form: Reference to the form array we're building.

string $operation: The update manager operation we're in the middle of. Can be either 'update' or 'install'. Use to provide operation-specific interface text.

Return value

TRUE if the update manager should continue to the next step in the workflow, or FALSE if we've hit a fatal configuration and must halt the workflow.


core/modules/update/update.manager.inc, line 84
Administrative screens and processing functions of the Update Manager module.


function _update_manager_check_backends(&$form, $operation) {
  // If file transfers will be performed locally, we do not need to display any
  // warnings or notices to the user and should automatically continue the
  // workflow, since we won't be using a FileTransfer backend that requires
  // user input or a specific server configuration.
  if (update_manager_local_transfers_allowed()) {
    return TRUE;

  // Otherwise, show the available backends.
  $form['available_backends'] = array(
    '#prefix' => '<p>',
    '#suffix' => '</p>',

  $available_backends = drupal_get_filetransfer_info();
  if (empty($available_backends)) {
    if ($operation == 'update') {
      $form['available_backends']['#markup'] = t('Your server does not support updating modules and themes from this interface. Instead, update modules and themes by uploading the new versions directly to the server, as described in the <a href=":handbook_url">handbook</a>.', array(':handbook_url' => 'https://www.drupal.org/getting-started/install-contrib'));
    else {
      $form['available_backends']['#markup'] = t('Your server does not support installing modules and themes from this interface. Instead, install modules and themes by uploading them directly to the server, as described in the <a href=":handbook_url">handbook</a>.', array(':handbook_url' => 'https://www.drupal.org/getting-started/install-contrib'));
    return FALSE;

  $backend_names = array();
  foreach ($available_backends as $backend) {
    $backend_names[] = $backend['title'];
  if ($operation == 'update') {
    $form['available_backends']['#markup'] = \Drupal::translation()->formatPlural(
    'Updating modules and themes requires <strong>@backends access</strong> to your server. See the <a href=":handbook_url">handbook</a> for other update methods.', 
    'Updating modules and themes requires access to your server via one of the following methods: <strong>@backends</strong>. See the <a href=":handbook_url">handbook</a> for other update methods.', 
      '@backends' => implode(', ', $backend_names),
      ':handbook_url' => 'https://www.drupal.org/getting-started/install-contrib',
  else {
    $form['available_backends']['#markup'] = \Drupal::translation()->formatPlural(
    'Installing modules and themes requires <strong>@backends access</strong> to your server. See the <a href=":handbook_url">handbook</a> for other installation methods.', 
    'Installing modules and themes requires access to your server via one of the following methods: <strong>@backends</strong>. See the <a href=":handbook_url">handbook</a> for other installation methods.', 
      '@backends' => implode(', ', $backend_names),
      ':handbook_url' => 'https://www.drupal.org/getting-started/install-contrib',
  return TRUE;
2016-10-29 09:57:21
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