base\Event on()

on() public static method

Attaches an event handler to a class-level event.

When a class-level event is triggered, event handlers attached to that class and all parent classes will be invoked.

For example, the following code attaches an event handler to ActiveRecord's afterInsert event:

Event::on(ActiveRecord::className(), ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT, function ($event) {
    Yii::trace(get_class($event->sender) . ' is inserted.');

The handler will be invoked for EVERY successful ActiveRecord insertion.

For more details about how to declare an event handler, please refer to yii\base\Component::on().

See also off().

public static void on ( $class, $name, $handler, $data = null, $append = true )
$class string

The fully qualified class name to which the event handler needs to attach.

$name string

The event name.

$handler callable

The event handler.

$data mixed

The data to be passed to the event handler when the event is triggered. When the event handler is invoked, this data can be accessed via yii\base\Event::$data.

$append boolean

Whether to append new event handler to the end of the existing handler list. If false, the new handler will be inserted at the beginning of the existing handler list.

2016-10-30 16:51:38
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