

class Grammar extends Grammar (View source)


array wrapArray(array $values)

Wrap an array of values.

from Grammar
string wrapTable(Expression|string $table)

Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.

string wrap(Expression|string $value, bool $prefixAlias = false)

Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.

string columnize(array $columns)

Convert an array of column names into a delimited string.

from Grammar
string parameterize(array $values)

Create query parameter place-holders for an array.

from Grammar
string parameter(mixed $value)

Get the appropriate query parameter place-holder for a value.

from Grammar
string getValue(Expression $expression)

Get the value of a raw expression.

from Grammar
bool isExpression(mixed $value)

Determine if the given value is a raw expression.

from Grammar
string getDateFormat()

Get the format for database stored dates.

from Grammar
string getTablePrefix()

Get the grammar's table prefix.

from Grammar
$this setTablePrefix(string $prefix)

Set the grammar's table prefix.

from Grammar
array compileRenameColumn(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Connection $connection)

Compile a rename column command.

string compileForeign(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command)

Compile a foreign key command.

array prefixArray(string $prefix, array $values)

Add a prefix to an array of values.

array compileChange(Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Connection $connection)

Compile a change column command into a series of SQL statements.

bool supportsSchemaTransactions()

Check if this Grammar supports schema changes wrapped in a transaction.

2016-11-02 16:19:56
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