

class Guard implements Guard (View source)


void __construct(UserProvider $provider, SessionInterface $session, Request $request = null)

Create a new authentication guard.

bool check()

Determine if the current user is authenticated.

bool guest()

Determine if the current user is a guest.

Authenticatable|null user()

Get the currently authenticated user.

int|null id()

Get the ID for the currently authenticated user.

bool once(array $credentials = array())

Log a user into the application without sessions or cookies.

bool validate(array $credentials = array())

Validate a user's credentials.

Response|null basic(string $field = 'email')

Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth.

Response|null onceBasic(string $field = 'email')

Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.

bool attempt(array $credentials = array(), bool $remember = false, bool $login = true)

Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.

void attempting(mixed $callback)

Register an authentication attempt event listener.

void login(Authenticatable $user, bool $remember = false)

Log a user into the application.

Authenticatable loginUsingId(mixed $id, bool $remember = false)

Log the given user ID into the application.

bool onceUsingId(mixed $id)

Log the given user ID into the application without sessions or cookies.

void logout()

Log the user out of the application.

QueueingFactory getCookieJar()

Get the cookie creator instance used by the guard.

void setCookieJar(QueueingFactory $cookie)

Set the cookie creator instance used by the guard.

Dispatcher getDispatcher()

Get the event dispatcher instance.

void setDispatcher(Dispatcher $events)

Set the event dispatcher instance.

Store getSession()

Get the session store used by the guard.

UserProvider getProvider()

Get the user provider used by the guard.

void setProvider(UserProvider $provider)

Set the user provider used by the guard.

Authenticatable|null getUser()

Return the currently cached user.

void setUser(Authenticatable $user)

Set the current user.

Request getRequest()

Get the current request instance.

$this setRequest(Request $request)

Set the current request instance.

Authenticatable getLastAttempted()

Get the last user we attempted to authenticate.

string getName()

Get a unique identifier for the auth session value.

string getRecallerName()

Get the name of the cookie used to store the "recaller".

bool viaRemember()

Determine if the user was authenticated via "remember me" cookie.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
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