

class MorphToMany extends BelongsToMany (View source)


void __construct(Builder $query, Model $parent, string $name, string $table, string $foreignKey, string $otherKey, string $relationName = null, bool $inverse = false)

Create a new morph to many relationship instance.

void addConstraints()

Set the base constraints on the relation query.

from BelongsToMany
void addEagerConstraints(array $models)

Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

array initRelation(array $models, string $relation)

Initialize the relation on a set of models.

from BelongsToMany
array match(array $models, Collection $results, string $relation)

Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.

from BelongsToMany
mixed getResults()

Get the results of the relationship.

from BelongsToMany
Collection getEager()

Get the relationship for eager loading.

from Relation
void touch()

Touch all of the related models for the relationship.

from BelongsToMany
int rawUpdate(array $attributes = array())

Run a raw update against the base query.

from Relation
Builder getRelationCountQuery(Builder $query, Builder $parent)

Add the constraints for a relationship count query.

from Relation
Builder getRelationQuery(Builder $query, Builder $parent, array|mixed $columns = array('*'))

Add the constraints for a relationship count query.

static mixed noConstraints(Closure $callback)

Run a callback with constraints disabled on the relation.

from Relation
Builder getQuery()

Get the underlying query for the relation.

from Relation
Builder getBaseQuery()

Get the base query builder driving the Eloquent builder.

from Relation
Model getParent()

Get the parent model of the relation.

from Relation
string getQualifiedParentKeyName()

Get the fully qualified parent key name.

from Relation
Model getRelated()

Get the related model of the relation.

from Relation
string createdAt()

Get the name of the "created at" column.

from BelongsToMany
string updatedAt()

Get the name of the "updated at" column.

from BelongsToMany
string relatedUpdatedAt()

Get the name of the related model's "updated at" column.

from Relation
string wrap(string $value)

Wrap the given value with the parent query's grammar.

from Relation
static array morphMap(array $map = null, bool $merge = true)

Set or get the morph map for polymorphic relations.

from Relation
mixed __call(string $method, array $parameters)

Handle dynamic method calls to the relationship.

from Relation
void __clone()

Force a clone of the underlying query builder when cloning.

from Relation
BelongsToMany wherePivot(string $column, string $operator = null, mixed $value = null, string $boolean = 'and')

Set a where clause for a pivot table column.

from BelongsToMany
BelongsToMany wherePivotIn(string $column, mixed $values, string $boolean = 'and', bool $not = false)

Set a "where in" clause for a pivot table column.

from BelongsToMany
BelongsToMany orWherePivot(string $column, string $operator = null, mixed $value = null)

Set an "or where" clause for a pivot table column.

from BelongsToMany
BelongsToMany orWherePivotIn(string $column, mixed $values)

Set an "or where in" clause for a pivot table column.

from BelongsToMany
mixed first(array $columns = array('*'))

Execute the query and get the first result.

from BelongsToMany
Model|BelongsToMany firstOrFail(array $columns = array('*'))

Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.

from BelongsToMany
Collection get(array $columns = array('*'))

Execute the query as a "select" statement.

from BelongsToMany
LengthAwarePaginator paginate(int $perPage = null, array $columns = array('*'), string $pageName = 'page', int|null $page = null)

Get a paginator for the "select" statement.

from BelongsToMany
Paginator simplePaginate(int $perPage = null, array $columns = array('*'), string $pageName = 'page')

Paginate the given query into a simple paginator.

from BelongsToMany
bool chunk(int $count, callable $callback)

Chunk the results of the query.

from BelongsToMany
Builder getRelationQueryForSelfJoin(Builder $query, Builder $parent, array|mixed $columns = array('*'))

Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.

from BelongsToMany
string getRelationCountHash()

Get a relationship join table hash.

from BelongsToMany
Collection getRelatedIds()

Get all of the IDs for the related models.

from BelongsToMany
Model save(Model $model, array $joining = array(), bool $touch = true)

Save a new model and attach it to the parent model.

from BelongsToMany
array saveMany(Collection|array $models, array $joinings = array())

Save an array of new models and attach them to the parent model.

from BelongsToMany
Model|Collection|null find(mixed $id, array $columns = array('*'))

Find a related model by its primary key.

from BelongsToMany
Collection findMany(mixed $ids, array $columns = array('*'))

Find multiple related models by their primary keys.

from BelongsToMany
Model|Collection findOrFail(mixed $id, array $columns = array('*'))

Find a related model by its primary key or throw an exception.

from BelongsToMany
Collection|Model findOrNew(mixed $id, array $columns = array('*'))

Find a related model by its primary key or return new instance of the related model.

from BelongsToMany
Model firstOrNew(array $attributes)

Get the first related model record matching the attributes or instantiate it.

from BelongsToMany
Model firstOrCreate(array $attributes, array $joining = array(), bool $touch = true)

Get the first related record matching the attributes or create it.

from BelongsToMany
Model updateOrCreate(array $attributes, array $values = array(), array $joining = array(), bool $touch = true)

Create or update a related record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.

from BelongsToMany
Model create(array $attributes, array $joining = array(), bool $touch = true)

Create a new instance of the related model.

from BelongsToMany
array createMany(array $records, array $joinings = array())

Create an array of new instances of the related models.

from BelongsToMany
array syncWithoutDetaching(Collection|array $ids)

Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs without detaching.

from BelongsToMany
array sync(Collection|array $ids, bool $detaching = true)

Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models.

from BelongsToMany
int updateExistingPivot(mixed $id, array $attributes, bool $touch = true)

Update an existing pivot record on the table.

from BelongsToMany
void attach(mixed $id, array $attributes = array(), bool $touch = true)

Attach a model to the parent.

from BelongsToMany
int detach(mixed $ids = array(), bool $touch = true)

Detach models from the relationship.

from BelongsToMany
void touchIfTouching()

If we're touching the parent model, touch.

from BelongsToMany
Builder newPivotStatement()

Get a new plain query builder for the pivot table.

from BelongsToMany
Builder newPivotStatementForId(mixed $id)

Get a new pivot statement for a given "other" ID.

from BelongsToMany
Pivot newPivot(array $attributes = array(), bool $exists = false)

Create a new pivot model instance.

Pivot newExistingPivot(array $attributes = array())

Create a new existing pivot model instance.

from BelongsToMany
$this withPivot(array|mixed $columns)

Set the columns on the pivot table to retrieve.

from BelongsToMany
BelongsToMany withTimestamps(mixed $createdAt = null, mixed $updatedAt = null)

Specify that the pivot table has creation and update timestamps.

from BelongsToMany
string getRelatedFreshUpdate()

Get the related model's updated at column name.

from BelongsToMany
string getHasCompareKey()

Get the key for comparing against the parent key in "has" query.

from BelongsToMany
string getForeignKey()

Get the fully qualified foreign key for the relation.

from BelongsToMany
string getOtherKey()

Get the fully qualified "other key" for the relation.

from BelongsToMany
string getTable()

Get the intermediate table for the relationship.

from BelongsToMany
string getRelationName()

Get the relationship name for the relationship.

from BelongsToMany
string getMorphType()

Get the foreign key "type" name.

string getMorphClass()

Get the class name of the parent model.

2016-11-02 16:29:32
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