

class MySqlBuilder extends Builder (View source)


void __construct(Connection $connection)

Create a new database Schema manager.

from Builder
bool hasTable(string $table)

Determine if the given table exists.

bool hasColumn(string $table, string $column)

Determine if the given table has a given column.

from Builder
bool hasColumns(string $table, array $columns)

Determine if the given table has given columns.

from Builder
array getColumnListing(string $table)

Get the column listing for a given table.

Blueprint table(string $table, Closure $callback)

Modify a table on the schema.

from Builder
Blueprint create(string $table, Closure $callback)

Create a new table on the schema.

from Builder
Blueprint drop(string $table)

Drop a table from the schema.

from Builder
Blueprint dropIfExists(string $table)

Drop a table from the schema if it exists.

from Builder
Blueprint rename(string $from, string $to)

Rename a table on the schema.

from Builder
Connection getConnection()

Get the database connection instance.

from Builder
$this setConnection(Connection $connection)

Set the database connection instance.

from Builder
void blueprintResolver(Closure $resolver)

Set the Schema Blueprint resolver callback.

from Builder
2016-11-02 16:29:53
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