

interface Registrar (View source)


void get(string $uri, Closure|array|string $action)

Register a new GET route with the router.

void post(string $uri, Closure|array|string $action)

Register a new POST route with the router.

void put(string $uri, Closure|array|string $action)

Register a new PUT route with the router.

void delete(string $uri, Closure|array|string $action)

Register a new DELETE route with the router.

void patch(string $uri, Closure|array|string $action)

Register a new PATCH route with the router.

void options(string $uri, Closure|array|string $action)

Register a new OPTIONS route with the router.

void match(array|string $methods, string $uri, Closure|array|string $action)

Register a new route with the given verbs.

void resource(string $name, string $controller, array $options = array())

Route a resource to a controller.

void group(array $attributes, Closure $callback)

Create a route group with shared attributes.

Route substituteBindings(Route $route)

Substitute the route bindings onto the route.

void substituteImplicitBindings(Route $route)

Substitute the implicit Eloquent model bindings for the route.

2016-11-02 16:35:02
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