

The @for directive repeatedly outputs a set of styles. For each repetition, a counter variable is used to adjust the output. The directive has two forms: @for $var from <start> through <end> and @for $var from <start> to <end>. Note the difference in the keywords through and to. $var can be any variable name, like $i; <start> and <end> are SassScript expressions that should return integers. When <start> is greater than <end> the counter will decrement instead of increment.

The @for statement sets $var to each successive number in the specified range and each time outputs the nested styles using that value of $var. For the form from ... through, the range includes the values of <start> and <end>, but the form from ... to runs up to but not including the value of <end>. Using the through syntax,

@for $i from 1 through 3 {
  .item-#{$i} { width: 2em * $i; }

is compiled to:

.item-1 {
  width: 2em; }
.item-2 {
  width: 4em; }
.item-3 {
  width: 6em; }
2016-11-11 13:08:59
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