Data types

Data Types

SassScript supports seven main data types:

  • numbers (e.g. 1.2, 13, 10px)
  • strings of text, with and without quotes (e.g. "foo", 'bar', baz)
  • colors (e.g. blue, #04a3f9, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5))
  • booleans (e.g. true, false)
  • nulls (e.g. null)
  • lists of values, separated by spaces or commas (e.g. 1.5em 1em 0 2em, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif)
  • maps from one value to another (e.g. (key1: value1, key2: value2))

SassScript also supports all other types of CSS property value, such as Unicode ranges and !important declarations. However, it has no special handling for these types. They’re treated just like unquoted strings.


CSS specifies two kinds of strings: those with quotes, such as "Lucida Grande" or '', and those without quotes, such as sans-serif or bold. SassScript recognizes both kinds, and in general if one kind of string is used in the Sass document, that kind of string will be used in the resulting CSS.

There is one exception to this, though: when using #{} interpolation, quoted strings are unquoted. This makes it easier to use e.g. selector names in mixins. For example:

@mixin firefox-message($selector) {
  body.firefox #{$selector}:before {
    content: "Hi, Firefox users!";

@include firefox-message(".header");

is compiled to:

body.firefox .header:before {
  content: "Hi, Firefox users!"; }


Lists are how Sass represents the values of CSS declarations like margin: 10px 15px 0 0 or font-face: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif. Lists are just a series of other values, separated by either spaces or commas. In fact, individual values count as lists, too: they’re just lists with one item.

On their own, lists don’t do much, but the SassScript list functions make them useful. The nth function can access items in a list, the join function can join multiple lists together, and the append function can add items to lists. The @each directive can also add styles for each item in a list.

In addition to containing simple values, lists can contain other lists. For example, 1px 2px, 5px 6px is a two-item list containing the list 1px 2px and the list 5px 6px. If the inner lists have the same separator as the outer list, you’ll need to use parentheses to make it clear where the inner lists start and stop. For example, (1px 2px) (5px 6px) is also a two-item list containing the list 1px 2px and the list 5px 6px. The difference is that the outer list is space-separated, where before it was comma-separated.

When lists are turned into plain CSS, Sass doesn’t add any parentheses, since CSS doesn’t understand them. That means that (1px 2px) (5px 6px) and 1px 2px 5px 6px will look the same when they become CSS. However, they aren’t the same when they’re Sass: the first is a list containing two lists, while the second is a list containing four numbers.

Lists can also have no items in them at all. These lists are represented as () (which is also an empty map). They can’t be output directly to CSS; if you try to do e.g. font-family: (), Sass will raise an error. If a list contains empty lists or null values, as in 1px 2px () 3px or 1px 2px null 3px, the empty lists and null values will be removed before the containing list is turned into CSS.

Comma-separated lists may have a trailing comma. This is especially useful because it allows you to represent a single-element list. For example, (1,) is a list containing 1 and (1 2 3,) is a comma-separated list containing a space-separated list containing 1, 2, and 3.


Maps represent an association between keys and values, where keys are used to look up values. They make it easy to collect values into named groups and access those groups dynamically. They have no direct parallel in CSS, although they’re syntactically similar to media query expressions:

$map: (key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3);

Unlike lists, maps must always be surrounded by parentheses and must always be comma-separated. Both the keys and values in maps can be any SassScript object. A map may only have one value associated with a given key (although that value may be a list). A given value may be associated with many keys, though.

Like lists, maps are mostly manipulated using SassScript functions. The map-get function looks up values in a map and the map-merge function adds values to a map. The @each directive can be used to add styles for each key/value pair in a map. The order of pairs in a map is always the same as when the map was created.

Maps can also be used anywhere lists can. When used by a list function, a map is treated as a list of pairs. For example, (key1: value1, key2: value2) would be treated as the nested list key1 value1, key2 value2 by list functions. Lists cannot be treated as maps, though, with the exception of the empty list. () represents both a map with no key/value pairs and a list with no elements.

Note that map keys can be any Sass data type (even another map) and the syntax for declaring a map allows arbitrary SassScript expressions that will be evaluated to determine the key.

Maps cannot be converted to plain CSS. Using one as the value of a variable or an argument to a CSS function will cause an error. Use the inspect($value) function to produce an output string useful for debugging maps.


Any CSS color expression returns a SassScript Color value. This includes a large number of named colors which are indistinguishable from unquoted strings.

In compressed output mode, Sass will output the smallest CSS representation of a color. For example, #FF0000 will output as red in compressed mode, but blanchedalmond will output as #FFEBCD.

A common issue users encounter with named colors is that since Sass prefers the same output format as was typed in other output modes, a color interpolated into a selector becomes invalid syntax when compressed. To avoid this, always quote named colors if they are meant to be used in the construction of a selector.

2016-11-11 13:09:06
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