Extends the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values. This method typically modifies the scale’s domain, and may only extend the bounds to the nearest round value. An optional tick count argument allows greater control over the step size used to extend the bounds, guaranteeing that the returned ticks will exactly cover the domain. Nicing is useful if the domain is computed from data, say using extent, and may be irregular. For example, for a domain of [0.201479…, 0.996679…], a nice domain might be [0.2, 1.0]. If the domain has more than two values, nicing the domain only affects the first and last value. See also d3-array’s tickStep.
Nicing a scale only modifies the current domain; it does not automatically nice domains that are subsequently set using continuous.domain. You must re-nice the scale after setting the new domain, if desired.
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