

If container is specified, sets the container accessor to the specified object or function and returns the drag behavior. If container is not specified, returns the current container accessor, which defaults to:

function container() {
  return this.parentNode;

The container of a drag gesture determines the coordinate system of subsequent drag events, affecting event.x and event.y. The element returned by the container accessor is subsequently passed to d3.mouse or d3.touch, as appropriate, to determine the local coordinates of the pointer.

The default container accessor returns the parent node of the element in the originating selection (see drag) that received the initiating input event. This is often appropriate when dragging SVG or HTML elements, since those elements are typically positioned relative to a parent. For dragging graphical elements with a Canvas, however, you may want to redefine the container as the initiating element itself:

function container() {
  return this;

Alternatively, the container may be specified as the element directly, such as drag.container(canvas).

2016-11-24 10:27:40
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