

If subject is specified, sets the subject accessor to the specified object or function and returns the drag behavior. If subject is not specified, returns the current subject accessor, which defaults to:

function subject(d) {
  return d == null ? {x: event.x, y: event.y} : d;

The subject of a drag gesture represents the thing being dragged. It is computed when an initiating input event is received, such as a mousedown or touchstart, immediately before the drag gesture starts. The subject is then exposed as event.subject on subsequent drag events for this gesture.

The default subject is the datum of the element in the originating selection (see drag) that received the initiating input event; if this datum is undefined, an object representing the coordinates of the pointer is created. When dragging circle elements in SVG, the default subject is thus the datum of the circle being dragged. With Canvas, the default subject is the canvas element’s datum (regardless of where on the canvas you click). In this case, a custom subject accessor would be more appropriate, such as one that picks the closest circle to the mouse within a given search radius:

function subject() {
  var n = circles.length,
      s2 = radius * radius,

  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    circle = circles[i];
    dx = d3.event.x - circle.x;
    dy = d3.event.y - circle.y;
    d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
    if (d2 < s2) subject = circle, s2 = d2;

  return subject;

(If necessary, the above can be accelerated using quadtree.find.)

The returned subject should be an object that exposes x and y properties, so that the relative position of the subject and the pointer can be preserved during the drag gesture. If the subject is null or undefined, no drag gesture is started for this pointer; however, other starting touches may yet start drag gestures. See also drag.filter.

The subject of a drag gesture may not be changed after the gesture starts. The subject accessor is invoked with the same context and arguments as selection.on listeners: the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the current DOM element. During the evaluation of the subject accessor, d3.event is a beforestart drag event. Use event.sourceEvent to access the initiating input event and event.identifier to access the touch identifier. The event.x and event.y are relative to the container, and are computed using d3.mouse or d3.touch as appropriate.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
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