
dsv.parse(string[, row])

Parses the specified string, which must be in the delimiter-separated values format with the appropriate delimiter, returning an array of objects representing the parsed rows.

Unlike dsv.parseRows, this method requires that the first line of the DSV content contains a delimiter-separated list of column names; these column names become the attributes on the returned objects. For example, consider the following CSV file:


The resulting JavaScript array is:

  {"Year": "1997", "Make": "Ford", "Model": "E350", "Length": "2.34"},
  {"Year": "2000", "Make": "Mercury", "Model": "Cougar", "Length": "2.38"}

The returned array also exposes a columns property containing the column names in input order (in contrast to Object.keys, whose iteration order is arbitrary). For example:

data.columns; // ["Year", "Make", "Model", "Length"]

If a row conversion function is not specified, field values are strings. For safety, there is no automatic conversion to numbers, dates, or other types. In some cases, JavaScript may coerce strings to numbers for you automatically (for example, using the + operator), but better is to specify a row conversion function.

If a row conversion function is specified, the specified function is invoked for each row, being passed an object representing the current row (d), the index (i) starting at zero for the first non-header row, and the array of column names. If the returned value is null or undefined, the row is skipped and will be ommitted from the array returned by dsv.parse; otherwise, the returned value defines the corresponding row object. For example:

var data = d3.csvParse(string, function(d) {
  return {
    year: new Date(+d.Year, 0, 1), // lowercase and convert "Year" to Date
    make: d.Make, // lowercase
    model: d.Model, // lowercase
    length: +d.Length // lowercase and convert "Length" to number

Note: using + rather than parseInt or parseFloat is typically faster, though more restrictive. For example, "30px" when coerced using + returns NaN, while parseInt and parseFloat return 30.

2016-11-24 10:27:42
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