Sets the callback to be invoked when all deferred tasks have finished. The first argument to the callback is the first error that occurred, or null if no error occurred. If an error occurred, there are no additional arguments to the callback. Otherwise, the callback is passed each result as an additional argument. For example:
1 2 3 4 | d3.queue() .defer(fs.stat, __dirname + "/../Makefile" ) .defer(fs.stat, __dirname + "/../package.json" ) .await( function (error, file1, file2) { console.log(file1, file2); }); |
If all deferred tasks have already completed, the callback will be invoked immediately. This method may only be called once, after any tasks have been deferred. If this method is called multiple times, or if it is called after queue.awaitAll, an error is thrown. If the callback is not a function, an error is thrown.
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