
transition.attrTween(name[, factory])

If factory is specified and not null, assigns the attribute tween for the attribute with the specified name to the specified interpolator factory. An interpolator factory is a function that returns an interpolator; when the transition starts, the factory is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the current DOM element. The returned interpolator will then be invoked for each frame of the transition, in order, being passed the eased time t, typically in the range [0, 1]. Lastly, the return value of the interpolator will be used to set the attribute value. The interpolator must return a string. (To remove an attribute at the start of a transition, use transition.attr; to remove an attribute at the end of a transition, use transition.on to listen for the end event.)

If the specified factory is null, removes the previously-assigned attribute tween of the specified name, if any. If factory is not specified, returns the current interpolator factory for attribute with the specified name, or undefined if no such tween exists.

For example, to interpolate the fill attribute from red to blue:

selection.attrTween("fill", function() {
  return d3.interpolateRgb("red", "blue");

Or to interpolate from the current fill to blue, like transition.attr:

selection.attrTween("fill", function() {
  return d3.interpolateRgb(this.getAttribute("fill"), "blue");

Or to apply a custom rainbow interpolator:

selection.attrTween("fill", function() {
  return function(t) {
    return "hsl(" + t * 360 + ",100%,50%)";

This method is useful to specify a custom interpolator, such as one that understands SVG paths. A useful technique is data interpolation, where d3.interpolateObject is used to interpolate two data values, and the resulting value is then used (say, with a shape) to compute the new attribute value.

2016-11-24 10:29:21
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