
visit (url, options) Promisepublic

Defined in packages/ember-application/lib/system/application.js:777

Boot a new instance of Ember.ApplicationInstance for the current application and navigate it to the given url. Returns a Promise that resolves with the instance when the initial routing and rendering is complete, or rejects with any error that occured during the boot process.

When autoboot is disabled, calling visit would first cause the application to boot, which runs the application initializers.

This method also takes a hash of boot-time configuration options for customizing the instance's behavior. See the documentation on Ember.ApplicationInstance.BootOptions for details.

Ember.ApplicationInstance.BootOptions is an interface class that exists purely to document the available options; you do not need to construct it manually. Simply pass a regular JavaScript object containing of the desired options:

MyApp.visit("/", { location: "none", rootElement: "#container" });

Supported Scenarios

While the BootOptions class exposes a large number of knobs, not all combinations of them are valid; certain incompatible combinations might result in unexpected behavior.

For example, booting the instance in the full browser environment while specifying a foriegn document object (e.g. { isBrowser: true, document: iframe.contentDocument }) does not work correctly today, largely due to Ember's jQuery dependency.

Currently, there are three officially supported scenarios/configurations. Usages outside of these scenarios are not guaranteed to work, but please feel free to file bug reports documenting your experience and any issues you encountered to help expand support.

Browser Applications (Manual Boot)

The setup is largely similar to how Ember works out-of-the-box. Normally, Ember will boot a default instance for your Application on "DOM ready". However, you can customize this behavior by disabling autoboot.

For example, this allows you to render a miniture demo of your application into a specific area on your marketing website:

import MyApp from 'my-app';

$(function() {
  let App = MyApp.create({ autoboot: false });

  let options = {
    // Override the router's location adapter to prevent it from updating
    // the URL in the address bar
    location: 'none',

    // Override the default `rootElement` on the app to render into a
    // specific `div` on the page
    rootElement: '#demo'

  // Start the app at the special demo URL
  App.visit('/demo', options);

Or perhaps you might want to boot two instances of your app on the same page for a split-screen multiplayer experience:

import MyApp from 'my-app';

$(function() {
  let App = MyApp.create({ autoboot: false });

  let sessionId = MyApp.generateSessionID();

  let player1 = App.visit(`/matches/join?name=Player+1&session=${sessionId}`, { rootElement: '#left', location: 'none' });
  let player2 = App.visit(`/matches/join?name=Player+2&session=${sessionId}`, { rootElement: '#right', location: 'none' });

  Promise.all([player1, player2]).then(() => {
    // Both apps have completed the initial render

Do note that each app instance maintains their own registry/container, so they will run in complete isolation by default.

Server-Side Rendering (also known as FastBoot)

This setup allows you to run your Ember app in a server environment using Node.js and render its content into static HTML for SEO purposes.

const HTMLSerializer = new SimpleDOM.HTMLSerializer(SimpleDOM.voidMap);

function renderURL(url) {
  let dom = new SimpleDOM.Document();
  let rootElement = dom.body;
  let options = { isBrowser: false, document: dom, rootElement: rootElement };

  return MyApp.visit(options).then(instance => {
    try {
      return HTMLSerializer.serialize(rootElement.firstChild);
    } finally {

In this scenario, because Ember does not have access to a global document object in the Node.js environment, you must provide one explicitly. In practice, in the non-browser environment, the stand-in document object only need to implement a limited subset of the full DOM API. The SimpleDOM library is known to work.

Since there is no access to jQuery in the non-browser environment, you must also specify a DOM Element object in the same document for the rootElement option (as opposed to a selector string like "body").

See the documentation on the isBrowser, document and rootElement properties on Ember.ApplicationInstance.BootOptions for details.

Server-Side Resource Discovery

This setup allows you to run the routing layer of your Ember app in a server environment using Node.js and completely disable rendering. This allows you to simulate and discover the resources (i.e. AJAX requests) needed to fufill a given request and eagerly "push" these resources to the client.

import BrowserNetworkService from 'app/services/network/browser';
import NodeNetworkService from 'app/services/network/node';

// Inject a (hypothetical) service for abstracting all AJAX calls and use
// the appropiate implementaion on the client/server. This also allows the
// server to log all the AJAX calls made during a particular request and use
// that for resource-discovery purpose.

export function initialize(application) {
  if (window) { // browser
    application.register('service:network', BrowserNetworkService);
  } else { // node
    application.register('service:network', NodeNetworkService);

  application.inject('route', 'network', 'service:network');

export default {
  name: 'network-service',
  initialize: initialize
import Ember from 'ember';

// An example of how the (hypothetical) service is used in routes.

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model(params) {

  afterModel(post) {
    if (post.isExternalContent) {
    } else {
      return post;
// Finally, put all the pieces together

function discoverResourcesFor(url) {
  return MyApp.visit(url, { isBrowser: false, shouldRender: false }).then(instance => {
    let networkService = instance.lookup('service:network');
    return networkService.requests; // => { "/api/posts/123.json": "..." }


url String
The initial URL to navigate to
options Ember.ApplicationInstance.BootOptions


2016-11-30 16:48:28
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