
replaceRoute (name, models) private

Defined in packages/ember-routing/lib/ext/controller.js:122

Transition into another route while replacing the current URL, if possible. This will replace the current history entry instead of adding a new one. Beside that, it is identical to transitionToRoute in all other respects.


Optionally supply a model for the route in question. The model will be serialized into the URL using the serialize hook of the route:

aController.replaceRoute('blogPost', aPost);

If a literal is passed (such as a number or a string), it will be treated as an identifier instead. In this case, the model hook of the route will be triggered:

aController.replaceRoute('blogPost', 1);

Multiple models will be applied last to first recursively up the route tree. {
  this.route('blogPost', { path: ':blogPostId' }, function() {
    this.route('blogComment', { path: ':blogCommentId', resetNamespace: true });

aController.replaceRoute('blogComment', aPost, aComment);
aController.replaceRoute('blogComment', 1, 13);

It is also possible to pass a URL (a string that starts with a /). This is intended for testing and debugging purposes and should rarely be used in production code.



name String
the name of the route or a URL
models ...Object
the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used while transitioning to the route.
2016-11-30 16:48:57
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