Returns a string representation which attempts to provide more information than Javascript's toString
typically does, in a generic way for all Ember objects.
App.Person = Em.Object.extend() person = App.Person.create() person.toString() //=> "<App.Person:ember1024>"
If the object's class is not defined on an Ember namespace, it will indicate it is a subclass of the registered superclass:
Student = App.Person.extend() student = Student.create() student.toString() //=> "<(subclass of App.Person):ember1025>"
If the method toStringExtension
is defined, its return value will be included in the output.
App.Teacher = App.Person.extend({ toStringExtension: function() { return this.get('fullName'); } }); teacher = App.Teacher.create() teacher.toString(); //=> "<App.Teacher:ember1026:Tom Dale>"
- string representation
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