
isEqual (a, b) Booleanpublic

Defined in packages/ember-runtime/lib/is-equal.js:1

Compares two objects, returning true if they are equal.

Ember.isEqual('hello', 'hello');                   // true
Ember.isEqual(1, 2);                               // false

isEqual is a more specific comparison than a triple equal comparison. It will call the isEqual instance method on the objects being compared, allowing finer control over when objects should be considered equal to each other.

let Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  isEqual(other) { return this.ssn == other.ssn; }

let personA = Person.create({name: 'Muhammad Ali', ssn: '123-45-6789'});
let personB = Person.create({name: 'Cassius Clay', ssn: '123-45-6789'});

Ember.isEqual(personA, personB); // true

Due to the expense of array comparisons, collections will never be equal to each other even if each of their items are equal to each other.

Ember.isEqual([4, 2], [4, 2]);                     // false


a Object
first object to compare
b Object
second object to compare


2016-11-30 16:51:32
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