
makeBoundHelper (fn) private

Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/make-bound-helper.js:8
Available since 1.10.0

Create a bound helper. Accepts a function that receives the ordered and hash parameters from the template. If a bound property was provided in the template, it will be resolved to its value and any changes to the bound property cause the helper function to be re-run with the updated values.

  • params - An array of resolved ordered parameters.
  • hash - An object containing the hash parameters.

For example:

  • With an unquoted ordered parameter:
  {{x-capitalize foo}}

Assuming foo was set to "bar", the bound helper would receive ["bar"] as its first argument, and an empty hash as its second.

  • With a quoted ordered parameter:
  {{x-capitalize "foo"}}

The bound helper would receive ["foo"] as its first argument, and an empty hash as its second.

  • With an unquoted hash parameter:
  {{x-repeat "foo" count=repeatCount}}

Assuming that repeatCount resolved to 2, the bound helper would receive ["foo"] as its first argument, and { count: 2 } as its second.


fn Function
2016-11-30 16:52:16
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