
This is a guide to many pandas tutorials, geared mainly for new users.

Internal Guides

pandas own 10 Minutes to pandas

More complex recipes are in the Cookbook

pandas Cookbook

The goal of this cookbook (by Julia Evans) is to give you some concrete examples for getting started with pandas. These are examples with real-world data, and all the bugs and weirdness that that entails.

Here are links to the v0.1 release. For an up-to-date table of contents, see the pandas-cookbook GitHub repository. To run the examples in this tutorial, you?ll need to clone the GitHub repository and get IPython Notebook running. See How to use this cookbook.

  • A quick tour of the IPython Notebook: Shows off IPython?s awesome tab completion and magic functions.
  • Chapter 1: Reading your data into pandas is pretty much the easiest thing. Even when the encoding is wrong!
  • Chapter 2: It?s not totally obvious how to select data from a pandas dataframe. Here we explain the basics (how to take slices and get columns)
  • Chapter 3: Here we get into serious slicing and dicing and learn how to filter dataframes in complicated ways, really fast.
  • Chapter 4: Groupby/aggregate is seriously my favorite thing about pandas and I use it all the time. You should probably read this.
  • Chapter 5: Here you get to find out if it?s cold in Montreal in the winter (spoiler: yes). Web scraping with pandas is fun! Here we combine dataframes.
  • Chapter 6: Strings with pandas are great. It has all these vectorized string operations and they?re the best. We will turn a bunch of strings containing ?Snow? into vectors of numbers in a trice.
  • Chapter 7: Cleaning up messy data is never a joy, but with pandas it?s easier.
  • Chapter 8: Parsing Unix timestamps is confusing at first but it turns out to be really easy.

Lessons for New pandas Users

For more resources, please visit the main repository.

  • 01 - Lesson: - Importing libraries - Creating data sets - Creating data frames - Reading from CSV - Exporting to CSV - Finding maximums - Plotting data
  • 02 - Lesson: - Reading from TXT - Exporting to TXT - Selecting top/bottom records - Descriptive statistics - Grouping/sorting data
  • 03 - Lesson: - Creating functions - Reading from EXCEL - Exporting to EXCEL - Outliers - Lambda functions - Slice and dice data
  • 04 - Lesson: - Adding/deleting columns - Index operations
  • 05 - Lesson: - Stack/Unstack/Transpose functions
  • 06 - Lesson: - GroupBy function
  • 07 - Lesson: - Ways to calculate outliers
  • 08 - Lesson: - Read from Microsoft SQL databases
  • 09 - Lesson: - Export to CSV/EXCEL/TXT
  • 10 - Lesson: - Converting between different kinds of formats
  • 11 - Lesson: - Combining data from various sources

Practical data analysis with Python

This guide is a comprehensive introduction to the data analysis process using the Python data ecosystem and an interesting open dataset. There are four sections covering selected topics as follows:

Modern Pandas

Excel charts with pandas, vincent and xlsxwriter

Various Tutorials

2025-01-10 15:47:30
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